Chapter 3

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Chapter title: how did I find out


I was on my way to see Amir at his office as usual.

When I got in the office the secretary greeted me

"Good afternoon ." She greeted

"Thank you." I smiled

I saw 3 kids well not kids exactly they looked 18-19.

"Who are these?" I couldn't help but ask Samantha the secretary.

"These are kids choosen for the internship positions."

"Oh." I nodded remembering Amir had mentioned something about that

As I was about to take the lift to his office a girl stopped me

"Uh I'm sorry I just had to point this out"

I looked at her meaning what did she mean
Then she pointed to my bag

"Is that a real birkin?"she asked in excitement

I nodded still confused

"Wow! I love birkin bags but I never could afford these or any other fancy bag ,first Time I'm seeing one up close." She admitted

I smiled she was a confident girl I liked it

"Do you want to hold it?" I asked her handing her my bag before she could answer

"Yes please!" She eagerly nodded

I gave her the bag and she held onto it

It went perfectly with her outfit as it did with mine she took our her phone and took a quick picture
After that she quickly removed the bag handing back it to me

"Please what's your name?" She asked


"Ajzaira?" She asked confused

I nodded "just call me aj."

"Okay, aj may God bless you may Allah reward you for this thank you just thank you so much!" She hugged me again

I hugged her back telling her it was okay. It just a purse and a picture

I began to walk away when she called

"Aj?" I turned around

"I'm salma, salma lukman."

"Nice to meet you salma." I said walking away

And I curse that day, I cursed that day that Salma lukman came into mine and my husbands life.

Weeks later

The more I went to that office, the more of her I saw.
she'd greet me, compliment my outfit, She'd go to Amir's office asking him for help on things when I was around keeping him company.

I wondered if he was the only worker here couldn't she ask the others? But I didn't want to be that jealous wife.

But then He stopped coming home early.

I'd call him asking why he was and he'd apologize saying sorry

"I stayed to show salma something."

I'd hear her laughing in the background

Once she followed him back here for lunch I was surprised at how closed they'd gotten but I tried my best to ignore it.

But one day I went to his office I was about to step in when i saw them.

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