I am pregnant

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A week later

Ajzaira's pov.

"I'm so happyy for you ajj you're gonna be a mummy Maybe I should get pregnant now too, so our babies can be bestiesss!!" Laila said from my phone on the video call we were on

I giggled "you should that would be amazing."

She laughed "I really I'm happy for you."

"Thank you so much lails, it means a lot." I said rubbing on my tummy.

"You're welcome honey, make sure to update me on the trimesters everything the gender and what not, have you thought about the gender, like what do you want?" She asked

"Oh well I've always wanted a son then a daughter but right now layls I'd love anyone." I smiled

"You'll have twins babe." She smiled

I laughed "can I handle twins?"

"Off course you can, you're a superhero."

I laughed She always knew what to say

"Shit I have to go now baby ajay but we'll talk later." She said sadly

"Okay no problem, byee."


I ended the video chat, We had been talking for more than an hour

I told her about my pregnancy 2 days ago she called me everyday on a video call to ask me about it

She was really happy for me

This was a true and pure friendship and she was a happy person who loved hearing about people's happiness

A week ago, I had taken that pregnancy test it was positive but I was so shocked

So from the test we went to the doctor who confirmed I was one month pregnant he was just as shocked as we were because everyone had given up on me getting pregnant

I touched my stomach With a smile

I hadn't started feeling much of what pregnant women felt

But I couldn't help but think

Why now?

How did I get pregnant now

Was this a sign from god that everything is going to be okay and I'm crying and stressing over nothing?

I laid  my head on the couch,  all I knew was that I couldn't wait to meet my child.

Amir was also so exited about the pregnancy he was always here with me

Taking pictures of me

Buying me everything

Telling me nicest things

It was a good start

I got up grabbing my car keys to leave the house

It was a Thursday Amir was at work

He had urged me to stop going to work so we had agreed I just go twice a week and for few hours

And I quote he said "you can work from home so why go out?"

He would freak if he knew I was going out and driving but I'm just a month pregnant it's too much already..

I got into my car and drove to the mall

I loved going to the babys section in the mall

there was this group of ladies that always talked about pregnancy.

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