New beginnings

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(Not perfectly edited 🥲🥲 )

Ajzaira's pov.


I looked at the 13 pages I had just finished editing.

I didn't sleep all night long,

I stayed up and edited them,

I did that to stop myself from crying and thinking about people who didn't give a shit about me.

I submitted the chapters after that.

Since I was  done i could stay off work again

Just then My alarmed screeched I quickly grabbed it turning it off

I got out of bed going into my bathroom I looked up at my mirror

I was a mess

I had eyes bags, My Hair was old,My lips were dry I had lost weight.

As I Looked back at myself in the mirror I couldn't help but fall into memory world.


Me and Amir were in this bathroom I was facing the mirror while he was behind me playing with my Hair.

"I think next time you should get bangs." He suggested folding my front hair making it look as if it were bangs.

"Bangs?..." I held onto his hand that was on my hair I then turned around facing him "How do you even know what that is?" I asked astonished.

"Come on I have woman crushes and they have hair styles I like." He smiled

"Give me her name." I folded my arms.

He laughed out loud for some
Seconds  "Babe, I'm joking you don't need're ajzaira Amir saleh." He cupped my cheeks My number one woman crush.

He said trying to change the topic

I laughed with a snort

"Oh m g!" I quickly covered my face in embarrassment.

I don't snort why did I have to do it just now?

He laughed at my embarrassment

"That was so embarrassing." I closed my face stomping my foot.

We were a month into marriage and I still felt embarrassed whenever I did something weird in front on him.

I wasn't used to him much.

"Can I tell you something?"  He Asked

With my  hands still on my face I nodded

He moved closer holding my hands removing them from my face

"Don't ever feel shy."  He whispered

I looked down

He cupped my cheeks pulling my head up by my chin
"What I wanted to say was, never feel shy, and one of my woman crushes snorts and I love it.. but I love yours more." He said gently.

I looked into deep in his eyes and he looked back at mine.

I could tell he was saying the truth with his chest

I blushed

If there was something I wasn't shy of saying it was

"How did I get so lucky?"

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