Chapter 6

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Ajzaira's pov.

I was ready for the worse as I heard Amir's car pulling over

He came in the front door slamming the door hard I jumped at the sound, even from my room it was very loud.

Seconds later he fell into my room

I was seated on my bed I raised my head up looking at him, and he looked very angry.

"Amir don't do this you're angry."

"I'm angry?" He asked

I didn't answer

"So you know I am angry, you wanted to make me angry, you wanted to ruin the respect my workers have for me right?"

"That's not true."

"What's true then?" he challenged

"Is it so wrong I want us to get back together? I'm I committing a crime for fighting for my husband?"

He looked at me as if I had grown two heads

"It's like you're becoming sick these days! Sick in the fuc#ing head!!" He yelled smashing my lamp on the ground and my body trembled

But I wasn't planning on backing down

"How I'm I becoming sick In the head Amir!? Maybe you're the sick one for leaving me like this!."

He looked at me taken aback he didn't think I'd fight him.. maybe that was where I went wrong I didn't fight for myself

"I told you nothing is happening between me and that girl but you never listen you women and your jealousnesss!!" He grabbed me pushing me to the wall as he squeezed my hands

"And I told you I saw you kissing her or didn't I tell you!! I saw it months ago!! If it wasn't obvious I wouldn't do what I'm doing and besides what have I done Amir! I did nothing! I yelled pushing him off me."

He smirked surprised but he looked as if he wanted to laugh

"You want to play badass? Fine ajazaira it's true, I am having and affair with salma and there's nothing you can do so stop trying to do anything." He laughed

I thought i couldn't be more hurt but I was very much hurt hearing him admit it..

I didn't know he was doing me a favor by denying it but now that he accepted it, it felt so so... painful.

"I'll marry her soon too."

I looked up at him not believeing my ears


Me and Amir were at his friends wedding a friend of his whom had played a big role in our own wedding

I was dressed in anko looking all fine And Amir wanted to get the perfect picture of me For his Instagram

"Do Like that." He said holding his phone

After he got the perfect picture he posted it with the caption " my baby is 🥵"

I comment red hearts

As we sat down girls wearing anko were passing our seats I noticed there was particular girl who had passed the front or table more than 5 times and she kept over doing things
Then I caught her looking at Amir and he also
Smiled at her

"Ah ah! See the way you're flirting with That
Girl in front of me, fear God na." I frowned

He looked at me laughing " she's the grooms sis , I know her when I go to his house."

"Ohh, she seems To have a crush on you." I said

He just blushed shaking his head and he continued using his phone

"You know, I don't think I mind a kishiya." (Second wife,Polygamy)

He looked up from his phone looking at me like I was crazy as hell

"What?" I asked

"You're not planning on take me to Boka abi?" He asked. (Sorcery/black magic.)

I laughed hissing " you're the boka." I joked

"Seriously it's not a biggie for me it's sunnah after all, Just feel free to tell me If you like someone." I said

He put his hands on his chin "i don't even know what to say." He said

I rolled My eyes "you're making this a big deal." I said

"No I'm not! It's just that I'm offended." He frowned

"Why?" I Raised a brow

"It's just I'm offended you aren't jealous of
The idea of me with some else."

My face formed and o shape and I felt Butterflies in my Stomach

"It's not like that babe, it's just I love you so
Much I didn't want you to feel I wouldn't accept if you wanted to add a wife but off course I'm jealous." I said putting my head on his shoulder and holding his hand from under the table It felt great to Know he loved me this Much

"Awwn, just so you know for me it's you and only you so get used to it being only You okay?"

"Okay."I nodded Smiling

And Since then I felt It had to be Me and only me.

End flashback.

And now he's saying this

"What did you just say?" I asked

"Do you want it in writing?" He asked sarcastically "don't worry we will send you a wedding invite when it's time ." He said laughing at his very dry ass Joke.

I just stared at him unbelievably

"Speaking of iv's I saw that Aishas dad in Friday mosque, he gave me and invite to her sisters wedding, he said he's Looking forward to seeing us, such a nice man too bad his daughters or daughter isn't I dunno is hypocrite appropriate?." He spat

I had never gotten more angry when he spoke bad about Aisha until today "DONT EVER CALL. HER THAT!" I yelled

He gave me a weird look, he ignored it then holding onto my hand
"So we will show up there like the perfect couple they think we are." He the kissed my hand

And I had never felt so disgusted towards his touch until now.

He walked out of the room Leaving me and a voice in my head Said

At least he didn't hit you.

Authors note.

Hello guys
Sup sup sup
Warris going on..
Have you Checked out friends make life?
If not do please☺️
I dunno what to say today so just please
Like comment and

As usual being kind is a different kind of beauty so be kind.

Call an old friend,
Help A friend,
Listen to Someone's problems,
Judge people less,
Do something for yourself,
Pray for Your parents/siblings,
Send a broke person credit😂💔
Be nice to a person who likes you and 🤔
Like this chapter😂!!!

bYe Byeeee

- B.D

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