Part two mhll

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Hi guys I know it's been decades since I updated but it's probably just a few months well I just decided why not continue today

It's been forever since I read or wrote this book
At a point I lost interest but now I feel like I have ideas so I'll go and see where they stop

I feel like the way I started this book didn't add up to  the ending

That's because I published my first few chapters when I hadn't written others and I wasn't expecting this book to get even 50 reads on a chapter but surprisingly we have a 100 and something reads on the first chapter it isn't much but it's really much like I've definitely said before
from writing to myself  to 100 people reading.

So I'm back from my writers block!!

Let's go

This is a part two

Which will hopefully answer the un answered questions in the previous part.

Ajzaira's POV.

I looked out the window across the street to where Amir was standing he was buying fruits I had wanted from across the street.

I smiled, we were passing by when I saw the fresh fruits I didn't even have to ask him to get it he noticed my gaze lingered so he Parked the car and asked

"You want fruits?" He raised a brow

I smiled "how did you know?"

"I know everything that goes on in your head." He reached for my hand and squeezed it

If only you did I thought

Tears filled my eyes

I was about to cry, I had literally been crying every night for the past five months since we got back together

It's been five months already.

"Let me go get the fruits." He said and he left

I had been crying nightly in the bathroom, in my office, in the kitchen, on the bed at night.

Not once did he catch me crying

I was crying because us being back together was as worse as when we had stopped talking because before he left me

I didn't know or ever think he would do so, but he did even tho he left and is back now

I was haunted every night everyday that he would leave again

And I wouldn't be able to stay sane if that happened cause right now I was literally insane

One thing I never opened my mouth to say out loud was now I felt weird being completely free with him

I mean he did betray me

I used to feel so lonely sometimes wanting someone to talk to, to be free too Aisha was on my mind most of the time

But then I'd remember what she had written about me, before I get mad about the part which she said she loved Amir, I'd get more mad at the part which she said those things about me, I thought we were friends.

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