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(Guys I was reading chapter one of this book and I literally cried, I stumbled on lots of mistakes 🤢... sorry guys sorry you have to read such bad writing.. hopefully I'll edit soon. 🙇🏽‍♀️)

Enjoy chapter dinner and kamu

Ajzaira's pov.

It was dinner night and the dress code for everyone was black

I had enjoyed the sa lalle and bridal shower events cause it was only us girls, but unfortunately for me, Guys come to dinner party And Amir had texted me earlier.

My hub🥶🖤: You're going to that dinner ba? Meet me at the gate at 8 and get us a table with food cause I'm just there for the food..missed your cooking Sha ashe you have a advantage

When I read it I didn't know whether to be angry or happy, but all I knew was I wasn't that happy.

That was why here I was all dolled up in my black fitted gown as the clock hit 7:57pm.

"Sorry hummy, I am going to go get amir at the gate now." I said leaving her side

She was wearing a white gown, her and her future husband were both in white he was a pretty shy man, he looked down every second when he was spoken too it was cute of him tho.

I remember Amir was the guy who smiled and checked out every lady he could.

I laughed in my head.

"Okay come back soon." Hummy smiled

I Walked towards the exit to go get him, When I got there I saw him standing in his black suit.

He looked very...very handsome. I hated admitting so but that's how he looked, it's how he always did, handsome and neat, perfect.

Then everything came running back, The love I had for him.

Why? Why did he have to do this to me, why did he have to cheat? And choose Salma over me, what did she have that I didn't? Why did he have to hit me too.

"8:01 huh?" He asked snapping me out of my thoughts .

I stood there expressionless.

He placed his hand foward, I didn't get what he meant at first, it took seconds to register in.

Then I realized He wanted me to hold his hand. I think the last time I held his hand was when I fought with salma and before then I couldn't even remember when last.

I moved closer joining our hands together and it felt right,

why did it have to feel right? I felt butterflies in my stomach but it was obvious now, I was the only one feeling so. or did he also still feel the same way?

we walked into the garden hand in hand, as we were walking he spoke up.

"So when are you coming back home?" He asked

I was surprised at his question was he missing me this much? did he realize he had done me wrong when I wasn't around or what?

"Saturday night." I said as we continued walking hand in hand

He nodded

"Make it Sunday morning." He said

I felt like someone had slapped me hard, I felt ashamed.

so much for did he miss me.. i just won't allow him to be rude to me this time, I won't take it.

"I said Sunday night!"

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