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Ajzaira's pov.

I choose......


"Talk to me oh maama!!" I started shouting and singing along with Aisha

Everyone was cheering for us

more Girls who I think were best friends also  joined copying our dance, Which was just us swinging our hands around And laughing as we sang to the song

Finally in what felt like seconds it was over

Everyone cheered so loud

Aisha smiled at me Giving me a big hug

I hugged her back

"That was so funnn!!" I yelled as we took the escalator to the top floor

"I know right." She said out of breathe

It was good to be with positive people like Aisha Who would make you see the world as beautiful as it was

I just wished I had her joy even if it was for a day

But being friends with her and being around her positive and relatable energy was just enough.

We got to the shop and she got more boxes she was going to use to pack her clothes

She drove us back to her place

When we got there it seemed as if I hadn't been there for years

But it was just a month ago Or maybe weeks ago that I had been there.

We walked into the house and the living room was half empty

"Wow you've packed a lot." I said surprised looking at the half empty living room.

She nodded "I sold everything, I have no where to take them anyways."

I nodded in understanding

Just then farhiya stepped into the living room

Holding her phone and ear piece plugged in her ears

She noticed me and she took one off "Aj!." She rushed giving me a hug

I smiled shyly

When did we reach the hugging part in our friendship?

"Farh how are you?" I asked just to reciprocate her excitement when she saw me.

"I'm good." She smiled

Farhiya was a beautiful looking fair girl almost as fair as I was, But she just wasn't as beautiful at heart  in a way

Her way of life was just


I get why Aisha choose to go back to her parents than stay with farh

"I'll just go pack my stuff from the kitchen kitchen." Aisha said to me.

I nodded Aisha left me and farhiya In the living room.

Farhiya sat across me, There were only two chairs left in the living room anyways

"So are you gonna be staying in Lagos?" I brought up a conversation

She shaked her head "No I'll just go back to abuja I think."

I nodded

"I like Abuja." I said

She smiled "Yeah it's cool, peng." She said

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