Fight for us

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Ajzaira's pov.

I got in the house walking in I took off my heels and I walked down to the living room where I saw Amir on the couch he was seated the tv was muted his laptop was on his laps and his hand was on his chin he had fallen asleep working I guess.

I kept my purse gently on the table

Staring at him my eyes teared up

I moved closer sitting on the armrest

I moved the laptop away from his body

I held his hand

"I know you're awake." I whispered

He wasn't a heavy sleeper

I knew my car had to have woken him up earlier

His close eyes twitched

I held onto his hand tighter but not too tight.

"I miss you.." I whispered

"I miss us."

He didn't say anything or move..

I sat there he sat there I was holding his hands

"I thought.. I was ready to allow us to do whatever we wanted to do but I was wrong.. I can't-t not for anyone.. be it salma or you. Besides I don't think it's just cause of don't say much but I'm ready to better things.. let's at least try being friends.. don't shut me out."

He held onto my hand

My heart skipped a beat

He was holding my hands back

He was holding my hand

A tear slided down my cheek I was so happy

That was a sign he wanted to try too

I didn't care if we were moving too fast but I put my hands around his shoulder giving him a hug

Which he surprisingly reciprocated

He pulled me to the couch my back was to his front and we layed on the couch just like we used to

His face on my hair his hands around my waist

I couldn't stop the tears

They kept falling but not in sadness in happiness

In happiness of the thought we would be best friends again.

"Let's sleep." He whispered

I put my hands on his hands that were on my face with eyes filled with tears I closed my eyes

Let's sleep I said in my head....

Verily with hardship comes ease

Ajzaira's pov.

I turned around yawing

Where Am i?

I opened my eyes last nights events replaying in my head

My eyes widened

It wasn't a dream!?

I got up looking around the room

I wasn't in my room Or the living room

I was where Amir stayed

I was in his room

The bed was empty

Did he leave me?

"Good morning." He walked in with a smile

"Here." He kept a cup of tea beside me

I smiled relaxing

"Thank you"

He nodded.

I sipped on the tea

Then I remembered what Aisha wrote about me

I suddenly felt angry but I could tell him

Amir felt it

"What's wrong are you okay?" He sat

I looked down I hadn't talked to Him for So long

"I just found out Aisha wasn't who I thought she was." I whispered

"What do you mean?"

My eyes teared up

I was friends with laila but it wasn't every thing I could tell her and I had no one to tell the shit about Aisha

"You Jed we liked her, I thought she was good, but she's not..maybe that's why you never liked her."

He looked down.

"I was stupid."

"Don't!- I mean, you're not.. I was being a jerk for being rude to her though.. she was your best friend I should've tried to at least like her."

I blushed

"It's okay's easier now. I'm not friends with her.. you guys never'll be easier to forget her."

He looked at me "you sure? What did she do anyways?"

I shaked my head "let's not talk about that today.." I bit my lip

"Tell me about your life?"

He blushed

It was a silly request but I just wanted him to tell me about what I had missed on.

I quickly scooted away and he joined me on the bed putting his hands around me

"Well I've-"

We layed there as he told me about the events for the past months in his life

And I smile happy to be here with him

And one thing led to another

...ya know?


We did it for so long

It felt like the first time.

And we layed in each other's company

Smh imma sleep now
Goodnight guys

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