Real stuff

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So I haven't been updating cause I'm out of inspirations and it's taking really long to get back on track, so as I write this I don't know what I'm gonna write below..!! But I want to write the craziest shit I want to get back
On track I want to get inspired 😈...wish me luck."

And for those who are still with me on this chapter I love you so Much it means a lotttt
May you also get the support you've given me when you're chasing your dreams."

Love you ❤️

Ajzaira's pov

My alarm screeched at 5 in the morning waking me wake up.

I quickly turned it off, with sleepy eyes I got up of from the bed Walking into the bathroom

I jumped in the shower, after that I performed ablution

I got out of the shower sitting on the dresser chair

I applied lotion on my body, some deodorant and a dab of perfume

You wouldn't want to be wearing too

I grabbed my black jeans and a black oversized t shirt putting it on.

I carried my long hijab

Putting it on I prayed fajr

After praying fajr I put on a little bit of lipgloss

Then I grabbed my bag and keys

I hadn't been a work since Forever maybe it's because I didn't have much work to do these days and I could do them online when i wanted too, but today I was going back to work.

I worked at an editing company as an English major

All I had to do was sit and edit stories on my laptop written by strangers

My mom had gotten me that job it was pretty simple and basic payed well, too well, and I loved it.

It was fun cause I got to read beautiful stories everyday.

I stepped out of my room

The cold fajr air hit every open skin on my body

I walked into the kitchen my phase getting slower as I saw his back, he was seated on kitchen stool.

I stopped wondering should I just leave or stay and make breakfast.

He turned around when he noticed my presence behind him.

Our eyes made contact

"so you're back." He stated..

I nodded "I'm back."

He nodded

he grabbed his coffee about to leave the kitchen

But just when he came right by my side I spoke up

"Amir-" I stopped him with my eyes shut

He didn't answer almost like he wouldn't but after seconds he did


I didn't even know what to say to him

Why did I even stop him

The only thing I knew I could say was why and asking why hadn't gotten us anywhere so what's the point?.

"I'll be back late today, you can order take out." I said

He scoffed walking away

And just then I didn't even feel like having breakfast at home.

All I was getting was a scoff from him? I try so hard but he just puts zero effort And this time I was pissed, I didn't want to be in the same building with him at this moment.

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