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Ajzaira's pov.

I woke up rubbing my eyes when I looked around I was in my living room

The everything from yesterday came back and I felt like shit again

I had cried myself to sleep
Today wouldn't be the first time.

I got up checking my phone the I realized it's been on flight mode since yesterday.

I quickly turned it off

And I Checked my socials

I had gotten a dm from humairah it was a picture of her and her husband on a date

A smiled at the sight

I liked the message and I replied her
With a

"You guys are so cute❤️🥺ly."

I turned of my phone then I layed back down

*bang bang*

Someone was knocking on my door I checked the time on my phone it was just

7:12am who could it be

I looked out the window and I saw an Uber leaving

I went to my door and I opened it

Coming face to face with Aisha

"AJAY!" She screamed hugging me and I just stood there lifeless

This person here had written so much hate towards me and here she was Hugging me like she was a friend

Hours ago I'd be deceived and happy but now I just felt as if I was in danger.

"You're okay!!! Yesterday you acted so worried I was scared something happened.. oh wait did something happen!?" She pulled away zeroing me in and the she stopped

"You haven't changed since yesterday?@"

I just stod there looking at her I didn't know what to do

I felt as if confronting her but a part of me wanted to act as if everything was okay

But If I did that would I be fair to myself?

"Aj?" She called out

She placed her hand on my shoulder and suddenly anger engulfed me as I pushed her hand away

"Aj what's wrong is it Amor?"

I put my hands on my head

"It has to be Amir right? He's the only devil in my life right?" O asked

"What do you mean?" Sha asked looking confused

I walked into the house looking for the note I threw it in her face

Before I knew it I had started crying

"I f-found this in our memory box Aisha" I sobbed

"Do you know what I kept in mine?" I cried

She held the paper in horror even before she opened it I could tell she already knew what it was

And that just confirmed everything

She wrote everything down

I rushed into my room getting my memory box I got back to the living room

Where she was now seated on the floor with the opened paper

"This is my memory box Aisha, I kept our notes in here I kept romantic stuff from Amir here I kept our friendship brackets here gifts from my mom and birthday wishes from you and Amir."

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