Lailas after wedding party

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Ajzaira's pov

I was ready for her after wedding party

I was dresses in a very beautiful fitted gown with lace hands and a bit of lace back and my hair was open but there was a very short scarf tied on top to make a bow

I was holding a black purse which went with my outfit

My hair

I was in my car


I had left home today without seeing Amir

I stepped out of the car closing the door behind me

Since the guest were very limited I just prayed no guy would come up to me thinking I'm single.

I went in the entrance

Handing the man my iv

He smiled moving away and I walked inside

This place was a place for events

And the room for lailas wedding was


I walked towards there

Giving my real wedding iv at the entrance

When I stepped in there was music playing

Not to loud music

Just right

The place was small but very beautiful

And the People there weren't more than 20

I guess they thirty guest hadn't made it or haven't yet arrived

I saw Laila and jafar seated

Just then she noticed me she waved

I gave her a smile walking towards them

When I stepped there I greeted them with a

"Happy married life!"

They both laughed

"Thank you." They both mummered together in shyness

I smiled

They were so cute

So innocent and young

I wished them all the best

"I see there aren't many people here,"

"Yeah sadly not everyone could make it..I should've given you an iv for Amir." She said saldy

I touched her shoulder gesturing she shouldn't worry

"He's really busy anyways."

She nodded

"Well I'll should leave you two alone.. and sit with the guests." I smiled

She nodded "that table is for people from our office." I looked towards it seeing familiar faces

I nodded and I went sitting along with them

"Hi Mrs Amir saleh." A girl with make up smiled I remembered her from the office


Oh well I was her boss back at work

"Hi, how are you?"

"I'm fine mrs amir saleh."

"Hehe, just call me ajay here."

She nodded

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