About Blank

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As I drove into the parking lot I saw his car parked in the driveway

He's back early today

I parked my car stepping out of it, I walked into the house,
the door was slightly open so I didn't need to use my key

I got in shutting the door quietly behind me

when you walked into our house first thing you'd see was a hallway where we had three shoe shelves
one for me, the other for Amir and the last one for both of us including space for guests.

His shoes were on the bare tiles, which were now stained by a bit of red mud from outside

I took off my shoes putting them into my own shoe shelf

I walked into the living room.

The living room was pretty, very spacious it had a 3D tv white, black-ash colored couches and the carpet was the same color the painting was grayish white

This living room was beautiful whenever we had people over they always complimented us about it , and they were right I loved his living room, it was my favorite place in the house

but now, as the days passed by it became duller than everything to me

In the living room, There he was sitting on the couch tapping his finger impatiently on the armrest of the couch

I stepped forward  "You're back early?" I asked quietly

He looked up at me

He looked angry, in fact furious

"Is that what you have to say?" He asked gritting his teeth.

"What should I say Amir?" I loudly threw my keys into the key holding bowl on the table which startled him but he maintained his composure

As I was annoyed to seeing his face I walked towards the kitchen and I could feel him following behind me

When I got into the kitchen, I was behind the island and he stood across me.

"You act as if you don't know what you did earlier, while you're completely aware, I didn't know you were a crazy woman." He spat

I looked up at him amused, nevertheless I shake-d  my head opening the refrigerator to see what I could find and I put out a container of leftovers from yesterday

"Don't act like you don't know what you did zaira!" He yelled

"What??" I tried acting confused but I was getting annoyed

"You almost hit me and Salma outside don't act stupid!!"

I put my hands over my face

I wanted to cry but I couldn't cry in his presence not ever again

"Don't start your tantrums because I'm not in the mood today, you act like you're the victim when you almost killed someone today, do you know how long it took me to reassure her she was so scared she lost her sister in a car crash ."

Was he serious, was he really serious?

The tears that threatened to fall immediately disappeared as he had gotten me very angry 

"Do you hear yourself? do you hear yourself!!" I yelled  Continuing "You're stupid Amir, you're a hypocrite , you're an idiot, you're telling me how long it took you to reassure your mistress? and what do you want me to do? go and apologize to her!?"

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