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"Happy new year buddies!" one of Areum's friend excitedly said as she jump happily. Areum smile. "Wait. Look at me." she cupped the girl cheeks, scanning up down her body. Areum raised her eyebrow. "You look don't happy."

After that she realized she doesn't happy, her friend hold her hands, trying to comforting her. "Yah, don't be sad okay? It's new year, new life, new story and new crush." Areum glared at girl.

"Ehe." she grinned, rubbing her neck in embarrassment. "Kyungmi, I'm fine." she brought her books and shoved it into her bag. Putting it on her back, linking her arms with Kyungmi while staring at her.

"It's new year right? Why don't we have fun?" Kyungmi's smile become wide. She dragged them out from the class, smiling unstoppable while Areum chuckled seeing her best friend was happy.

They stop at the entrance of the restaurant, Areum was lost in confusion, without thinking a lot she just followed her. She was about to tapped Kyungmi's shoulder but she already twisted her body, facing the girl with guilty face.

"Areum-ah, sorry I've planned today we're gonna go to shopping mall but my oppa told me we are having dinner together." Areum's smile fade away, she doesn't care about their plan but thinking who is her oppa. "Okay then I will go alone."

Kyungmi hold her hands and make a puppy face. "I'm sorry. Do you want to go with me? It will be awkward if I'm alone with him." she tried not to smile, Kyungmi tried not to blush. Areum rolled her eyes, "Aish really?"


"Aish I am so annoyed. Let's go." Kyungmi happily linking her arms with Areums, dragging the girl into the big restaurant. Did her OpPa was rich? Areum thought. As they reach the table where they're have dinner together. "How annoying." she murmured.

Kyungmi shouted 'oppa' and the guy auto lifted his gaze to them. His white soft hair, his red sweets lips, his soft skin, Areum still remember the guy who was promise to come facing her again.


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