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Don't regret it Beomgyu

What's that mean ? Hueningkai's words made him spacing out a lot. The door swung open revealing a girl. Beomgyu wasn't ready and he just pretend he's mad.

"Beomgyu-ah, I'm sorry" she said, lowered her head. Beomgyu just keeping his mouth shut. "How are you ?"

"How am I ? *gasp* now you're asking me how I am ? Okay, I will be honest. I'm so fucking mad. I don't know why you didn't visit me for three days. I don't know why Taehyun was important for you than me. I called you for thousand times, but you don't answer it."

"And now you're asking me how I am ? I don't how much I want to repeat this words 'I'm fine'. For be honest, I'm tired. I'm tired all of this. If you come here for just asking me how I am, just go away. I hate when someone pretend care about me. And you lied to me. You said you're busy but you walk with Taehyun. Is this we called true friends ? Lying her own bestfriend just because of him ? I rather leave you than holding my mad when seeing you and him"

His tears filled on his eyes, trying to hold it on. His words stabbed her so much. "Beomgyu-ah, I-"

"Go away Areum. Just go with Taehyun that you loved so much. Don't care about me, just care about Taehyun. He's more important for you and I'm not. You don't need me."

Her hearts dropped. She take a step back and run. Beomgyu hit his head as tears rolled slowly on his cheeks.

Areum run as fast she could until someone grabbed her hands, pulling her to his embrace. "Areum, what happen ? Why did you crying ? Is there anything wrong ?" the boy asked. She even hugged him back, crying on his shoulder.

"Beomgyu hate me. He.. He don't need me." she said, sobbing.

Taehyun was mad hearing Beomgyu's name.

What did you do to her Beomgyu ? I swear I'm gonna kill you.

I'm sorry if my story is bored . 😔💔 There's something that bother me .
Should I stop write ??

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