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"Finally, omg I'm dying here." Areum groaned as she packed her stuffs. Soobin leaned against the door, waiting for his friend patiently. He look at his watch, his patient was gone when Areum took so long.

"Kim Areum faster!" he yelled. Areum walk towards him, grinning as she gave her bag to him. He raised his eyebrows. "Do you want to help me?" she made puppy eyes which made Soobin annoying with her. He took it from her, sighing and walk out from the room.


Areum yawned, putting her hands on her head. Soobin rolled his eyes in annoyance. They waited at the bus stop for 30 minutes but there's no bus. "It's your fault! I told you to packing hurryly." Soobin whined.

"Nah who care. We can walk right?" Areum said, didn't notice what did she just saying. "Oh yea are you can walk for 10km? Your house was far from this hospital. I should just send you to the grave." Soobin fight back. Areum giggle, playfully hit his arm.

Then they heard a footstep approached them. They lifted their gaze, Areum was shock either the guy. Areum's smile faded away as she lowered her head, didn't want to face him. Soobin rolled his eyes and slowly walk to the guy.

"Yah, apologize to Areum." he blurted making the boy startled. Her eyes widened, Areum pulled Soobin's arms, trying to stop him from disturbing the boy. "Stop it.." she whispered to him.

Taehyun looked at Areum with sad face. He didn't know how to face her. All he can do is pretended that he's innocent. Idiot right? He afraid of everything. The last bus arrived, Taehyun was about to hopped on but Soobin pushed him aside and hopped on the bus first. Areum made eye contact with him then went to her seat.

"I wish I can turned back time and fix everything."


In the same bus, it was an awkward moment that he ever had. Taehyun was stand next her because the seats were full. Taehyun keep staring at Areum who sleeping peacefully. Unknowingly, he didn't notice that he smile.

Areum suddenly wake up, he quickly lifted his gaze down his feet. The bus stop out of blue making Taehyun lean on her body, her eyes open widen. Both of them stared at each other. "A-anu-"

Soobin pushed his head, he fall to the ground as Areum gasped in shock. "What are you doing?!" she yelled whisper to Soobin who made an innocent face. Areum quickly help him to stand up but Taehyun refused it. "It's okay. It was my mistake, I'm sorry." he bowed, telling the driver to stop and he went off the bus.

"I'm sorry."

the end :D

a/n: y'all i miss you guys so much :(

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