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Next day

I make my way to my class when someone tapped my shoulder . I turn back as my eyes open widened .

It's youuu it's always youuu

"Hey" He said with his sweeteness smile .

"Hey" I replied and smile to him .

"Want walk together ?" He asked with asking how I feel right now . I'm blushing sheep-

"Y-yes" I shuttered .

We walk without talking to each other like yesterday . I wish I could start converstation but I'm scare .

"Areum-" he said .

"Yes ?" I said before he finished call my name . I can feel he chuckled . What's funny ?

" I just want─"

"Areum !!" He was cutted by someone who called my name . I turn back and saw Beomgyu . Once again this kid . Don't you ever show your attitude here or I'll kill you Beomgyu .

"What ?" I said and cross my arms while he stop running and catching his breath .

"Can you help me ?" He asked . I raised my eyebrow now ? What ?! NO WAY

"What's the matter huh ?" I asked again . Now I look at Taehyun and he look at me back .

"Help me to solve math questions"He replied . Taehyun scoff as I look at Beomgyu . Did you really kidding me ?


"Gwenchana , just go with him" Taehyun said and smile ONCE AGAIN .
I want to refused but I ended with saying okay .

I sigh heavily as Taehyun walk away and disappear from my sight .

"What are you planning ?" I said and hit his head . He groaned in pain and I laugh a bit . You can't lie me Beomgyu .

"Nothing" he smirk . I already know it . Why did you- UGH .

"You little-"

"Cute bear , ruining your moment with your senior" he cut me .

I rolled my eyes and continued walk . I can hear he shouting something but I ignore it as I reached my class .

I heard someone was gossiping about something .

"Yah , aren't you hear that ? Our senior , Taehyun gonna confess with a girl today"

"How could you know ?"

"I am a stalker heh"

"I'm scare if he confess with a girl in front of us now"

"Tch how could it be ?"

I sit on chair with anger face . I open my book as the teacher come in and greet us .

"Attention class , go change your clothes and wait me at the field we will do some activities since it was a long time" the teacher said and walk out .

A/n ; I'm not a good writer :( . But I always try my best :)  Hope you all always support me and vote ! Luv ya ! ;)

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