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As like Bomgyu told her, he pick Areum and bring her to his house. Not so long after that, they arrive. It's annoyed her whenever she saw Kyungmi with Taehyun. Even they're fighting yesterday. She don't want anybody touch him.

The couple talk then laugh. Areum rolled her eyes. They keep makes she annoying. That's the most she hate. What the hell Taehyun promise her if he ended with Kyungmi? This world is so crazy. I can't even talk to him. Such a liar.

She keep staring at them. Icey notice it. She shake Beomgyu's hand slowly. Beomgyu understand Icey's face. Not to mention, Areum's anger started grew bigger. Damn Areum was so scary when she's mad.

"So what if we play truth or dare? Who want to pass the challenge they must drink a full glass of soju MUAHAH-" Beomgyu didn't even finish his laugh, Areum cut him off. "I'm not interested." She was about to got up but Beomgyu grabbed her hands. "You should. It's been a long time since we're together."

Icey comfort her. Areum sigh heavily. "Okay then." Then Beomgyu started spinning the bottle. It's stop at Areum. That's why I don't want to play this damn challenge. "Whoa- so Areum truth or dare?"


"Who is your crush right now?"

"I'll pass."

Areum took the full glass and drink it immediately. The rest of them were shock. "OMG do you ever drink Soju? You drink it like nothing." Areum shook her head. "It's my first time."  She stated.

And with that, everytime the bottle stop at her. She will said pass. She's getting drunk makes the others worry. Beomgyu groan as he run his fingers in his hair. Damn it! I didn't even know who's she crushing, love, hate right now. Or.. Hehe.  The bottle stop at Taehyun. "So, Kang Terry truth or dare?" Beomgyu asked.

"Of course dare!" He answer.

"Hug Kyungmi for 30 seconds." Beomgyu said as he smirk, looking at Areum. Areum's eyes widened. N-not againn. She was lost control of her mind. Taehyun was about to hug Kyungmi, but then Areum rush to him, hugging him tightly. "Just shut the fuck up! Why did you even accepted the challenge if you were mine?!" She shouted, tears started dripping down.

Kyungmi was speechless, either Beomgyu and Icey. "I know this will happen." Kyungmi said and smile. Taehyun hug her back, patting her head. He planned all of this. Not to mention, he already told Kyungmi about it and she didn't care at all. Areum has suffered enough.

And with that, they're together again.

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