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a/n: it's been a long time. So Icey and Beomgyu moments are here! >w<

Icey lifelessly sit on the bench, she tried to keep her boredom away but there's nothing she wants to do. "Jajang! Ice creams are here." Beomgyu said as he give the ice cream to her. She smile and eat it excitedly.

Beomgyu spotted there was some ice on her mouth, he wiped it with his thumb while Icey startled by his action. "I-I just want to help y-you!" Beomgyu said as he tried to hide his face that red like tomatoes. Icey chuckled.


They walk at the wayside, the atmosphere were silent and awkward, both of them doesn't want to talk ; because they were shy. The air filled with crickets' sound. Until they reached her home, Icey stand in front of the door while Beomgyu waiting for her to walk into the house.

As she opened the door, she walk in but stop when Beomgyu called her. "I-icey.." he said in low tone. She hummed in response, looking at the boy with questionable face. He slowly approached her.

His soft lips brushed on her ear, she can feel his hot breath. Her heart beats so fast, thinking the dirty things. shut up dearself! She tightly grabbed her bag when he got closer to her.

"Goodnight princess." Icey sighed in relief, rolling her eyes and pushed him. Beomgyu trying to hold his laugh when the girl was blush badly. "What? You think I'm gonna kiss you?" he teased as she glared at him. "Bye." She was about to hold the doorknob, Beomgyu pulled one of her hand, making her body was close to his.

He leaned in, giving the girl a peck of kiss on her cheek. "What the-" realizing what he's doing, he let go of her hand. "Don't mind me! I didn't do it on purpose." he stated.

She walk into her house with her red face. He shyly walk away, smiling unstoppable. As two pair of eyes watching them from far.

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