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And after a few minutes they stop arguing each other . Taehyun bring me to the school clinic but I'm still confused why did Beomgyu behave weird earlier .

"Ouch" I groaned in pain as my knee hurt a lot .

"Wait a minute" He said as he throw the cottons to the dusbin . How can he be so caring ?

"Finally" He said and smile . I smile back .

"Let's walk" He said and stand up making his way to the clinic's door . I try to stand up but still , I can't . It's hurt . VERY VERY VERY HURT .

" I-I can't walk" I said as I lowered my head . I can feel he sighed .

"Come here" He said and patted his back . My eyes open wider what are you doing ?

"What are you doing ?" I asked .

"You can't walk then I will bring you" he said . "Come on" He said and patted his back again .

Taehyun POV

I bring her with she on my back . She rested her head on my shoulder make me startled .

"Senior..." She said in low tone .

"Mm ?" I asked and look at her . We're too close .

"Did you had ever fall in love with someone" She asked . I stop my track as I put her on a bench .

"Yes" I replied without looking
at her .

"Who ?"

"She was so close on me . From the first time I met her when she bump on me I already fall in love with her . She has friend but it's a boy . I always look after her from a far . I'm worried if she gets hurt . I fall in love with her cause she was trouble maker , funny and more .

I even can't take off my eyes on her . She's so pretty and cute . While she smiling it's always give me butterflies. I wish I can see her smile everday"

"Lucky girl" She said . I felt weight on my shoulder and I saw she already fall asleep .

"You're the lucky girl" I whispered and kiss her forehead .

I'll back to hostel today 😣 i will update again later ! vote and luv ya ! ❤

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