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a/n ; guess who's Yeonjun called with? :D

The rain started pouring down the earth. Areum sit back at the bench. She soaking wet and she didn't realized Yeonjun has left her there. From 3PM and it's 7PM she stayed there, sitting on the bench lifelessly.

"Hi dumbass. You shouldn't sit here." A voice come out from nowhere. She twist her body to the right slowly, seeing a boy with black hair, wearing a black coat and mask as he hold an umbrella.

"It's me Choi Soobin. Do you already forget me? Tch, I am your childhood friend!" He added. "Oh, Soobin.." She said in weak tone. Soobin caught her body that almost fall. "Aish, my new coat!" He groaned as he took out his phone out of his pocket. Didn't care it's got wet.

"Yes, Yeonjun speaking."

"You stupid hyung come here now, Areum is dying!" Soobin shouted and ended the call. He took back his umbrella, pulling Areum closer to his body. "Wait a minute, don't die! I even don't hit your head yet!"


"Are you her friend?" the nurse asked, pointing at Soobin politely. Soobin nodded his head in answer. "How about her condition?" He asked in worried tone. The nurse smile while Soobin impatiently wait for her answer.

"She is fine. Due to her stress she needs to rest." The nurse explained. Soobin nodded his head twice. "May I go to her ward now?"  the nurse let him. He slowly opened the door, watching the girl sleep peacefully on the bed. He sighed and sit on a sofa.

Then the door open again. It's Choi Freaking Yeonjun. Soobin got up, glaring at boy with his hands on his hips. "Tell me the truth." Yeonjun raised his eyebrow, trying to protecting his innocence.

"W-why?" He stuttered. "Let me guess." Soobin ignore him, putting his finger on his chin. "You met Areum then you do some....DIRTY THINGS?!!" Soobin eyes widened, he was about to hit his head but Yeonjun stopped him first.

"Wait! You told me to make her sit there, and I have no choice! I k-k-k-kissed h-her! And then Taehyun saw u-us then they fought"

"K-K-K-K-K-K-K-K-KISSED?!! WHAT THE FUCK YEONJUN?!" Soobin cursed making Areum wake up. "What's happen?" she asked. Soobin slowly approached her, holding her hands tightly.

"You already wake up." He kiss her forehead, Areum chuckled by his action. "You still the old Soobin. Caring and always worried about everyone." Soobin's cheeks turned redder. He smile widely. Areum patted his head. " Kdrama is kdrama. You guys so dramatic." Yeonjun rolled his eyes and walk out from the room.

"I have something to tell you"

P/S: first Yeonjun called Soobin. I just make you all suspend HAHAHA and there's nothing bad happen to Areum and Taehyun except avoiding each other. I mean they just avoid each other. Not HATING each other lmao. It is a spoiler HAHAHAHA. Stay safe from the virus<33


thanks to beomberriexs for helping me

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