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We walk without talking each other . I want to start converstation but I'm just too shy . Lmao , why did you shy ? I don't know either . I take a deep breathe as I look at him .

"Senior.." I said . I look away when he start faced me .

"Mm ?" He asked and raised his eyebrow .

"c-can we be friend ?" I shuttered . I look at him . He will never say OK . I swear he never .

He gave me a smile and said "Sure"

I smile widely as we already reached my home . "It's here" I said and faced him .

He smile .





"Okay , eat your dinner and don't forget to sleep early" He said and walk away . I waved at him eventhough he didn't notice it .

"Did he just say it ?" I mumble and open the door .

"Okay , I will sleep early today for senior" I mumble again .

"Boo !" Someone shouted make me jolt out .

"Aish Beomgyu !!" I said and hit his shoulder . He groaned in pain and hit me back .


"Who is he" He asked and sit on the couch .

"My boyfriend" I replied make him choked .

"Uhuk , uhuk . Are you kidding me ?! Your first day school ?!! I shouldn't agree with your mom to protect you" he said and pouted .

"I'm just joking . Well , he is my friend" I said and walk to my bedroom .

"Remember tomorrow ! We will walk together to school" He shouted . I chuckled and lays on the bed .

Sorry , Beomgyu but tomorrow I will walk with my senior . I felt my phone buzzing and I took it out .

Jimin✅replied to Areum_Kim post .

"AHHHHH" I shouted and rolled on the bed . I heard Beomgyu yelling from down but I just ignore it .

23 August , 7 : 45 pm

Jiminie oppa , eat well too ! I love you❤

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I will , I love you too💕


I rolled happily when someone knock my door .

"Ne ?" I asked and open
the door .

"Let's eat" Beomgyu said and hit my head .

"Why did you do that ?" I asked and repaired my hair .

"Because you make noise" He said and walk away . Tch , you little bRaTs . I'll not forgive you .

[Finally I've updates. Whew]

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