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"Taehyun ?"

"Areum ?"

The girl look at him with sad face. He frowned. After 7 years she leaving, how could she show her face again. You know left him just because of a boy. He don't know who is that jerk. .

He sighed heavily, twisting his body to continued his walk. "T-taehyun-ah" she grabbed his hands.

"I'm sorry, I don't know you" It's stabbed her heart so much. Tears filled on her eyes as she still grabbing his hands. "You don't know me then how do you know my name ?" she throw a question making he don't know what can he answer.

"I thought you're my girlfriend. Her name was Areum too" he replied. Taehyun smack her hands and walk off.

Her heart dropped.

Yea, Lee Areum. She is Taehyun's ex. She left him without any reason neither telling him that she was transfer to another school. Areum was regret of everything.

And Taehyun, suffering for 7 years. He decided to forget her.


next day

There, Beomgyu and Areum holding hands together. They walk to school as usual. Everything is settle. You know Beomgyu right ? He never let his anger grew more bigger.

"Wait me when lunch period okay ?" Beomgyu said with a smile. Areum smile back as she nodded her head. They walk till the reach their class.

There's someone who was staring at them. He was full of jealousy and angry. Taehyun slapped his face and groaned in pain.

Devil : hate her Taehyun. She love Beomgyu more than you !

Angel : No, you can't give up now ! Don't listen to the bad side. She needs you.

Devil : Make Beomgyu suffering. He deserve it.

Angel : you better shut up your fucking mouth.

"Did angel usually cursing ?" he whisper as he making his way to his class. It was chaos day. His classmates were gossiping about him. He give them confused look then trying to ignore it.

"I need your attention" the teacher said as he tapped his hands on the table. Everyone went silent. "good, now come in" he added. Everyone were confuse.

A girl step into the class, giving them a smile. Taehyun eyes widened when he saw her. She was here. But how did she know where did I school ? Taehyun had to many thought.

"Annyeong, I am Lee Areum. Nice to meet you all" she said as she bowed. Everyone were whispering. Why ? Because his classmates know her neither her attitude. Everyone know it.

"Go sit next Hajin. Hajin raised your hands. Now let's start our lesson" the teacher said. Areum walk to Hajin while Hajin gave her disgust look. She rolled her eyes when Areum smile. Areum's smile fade away. She sit on her seat, opening her books.

time skip
I had no idea

"Class dismissed" the teacher walk out from the class, everyone sighed in relief. Yeon Hwa, one of Taehyun's classmate approached Areum and slammed her hands on the table. "Yah, Areum. Why did you show your face again after what you do to Taehyun huh ?" Areum keep her mouth shut.

"Look, she didn't even say a word. Already regret ?"

"She better REST IN PEACE"

Little bitches will never regret y'all"

Taehyun had it enough. He slammed his hands on the table and glare at Yeon Hwa. Areum thought he's gonna defending her but it's just her thought.

"Stop the bullshit. She better get out of this school" everyone laugh, Taehyun smirking. She run out of the class and went to somewhere. She sobbing on the bench wiping her tears away that streaming like waterfall.

"Why did you crying ?" someone voice rang on her ears. She turned around to see who was it. "Yah, your eyes were puffy" he said. He wipes her tears with his thumb gently making she shocked. She smacked his hands.

"Ouw, that's hurt. Btw what's your name ?" He asked. She glance at him, his black soft hair, red lips. It's perfect.

"Lee Areum"

"Choi Beomgyu"

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