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After change my clothes I rushed to the field . My classmates were already there with that 'kid' I mean Beomgyu .
I saw a group from another class also here .

I look at everyone when my gaze was stop when I saw my crush . Ayiee , jinja ?

He look at me and waved on me . I blush and waved back . He run to me as I smiling when he come near .

"Hey there , did you already at New York ?" He said made me comeback to my sense .

"Yes ?" I akwardly smile .

"Forget it but did you help Beomgyu for solving his math questions ?" He asked I'm speechless .

"Aaa he just lying nah he always like that" I said and waved my hand a bit .

He just nodded and his mates call
him . "I'm gotta go now !" He said and run away .

I smile .

"Boo !"

I jolt out and I hit his shoulder harshly . He giggle in response .

"Hey aren't you hear that ? We gonna run for 3 round around our field" He said my mouth open wider then I closed it .

"WHAT ?!" I shouted make everyone looking at us . Beomgyu cover my mouth and I pushed it away .

"Why did I didn't even hear ?" I asked in whisper .

"Because you're in dream , smiling alone like crazy" He said as he rolled his eyes . I rolled my eyes and follow everyone that starting running .

"Hey did I mention someone ?" He asked while running next me . I ignored him as I run faster and just look down . When running I bump onto someone back .

I fall down and my knees hurt . It's bleeding . "Ouch" I whispered in pain and touch slowly .

"I'm sorry" He said and look at me .

"S-senior ?" I shuttered .

He just smiled when I hear Beomgyu shout my name .

"Areum , are you okay ?" He asked worriedly . I just nodded my head as I try to stand up but I can't .

"Let me bring you to the school clinic" Beomgyu said but Taehyun stop him . He shook his head and hold my left hand .

"I will bring her there" He said . Beomgyu glare on him while me still in confusely looking both of them .

"No I will"

"I will"

"I bring her"

"I said I will"


Both of them looking each other . I sighed heavily . Two kids .

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