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Taehyun POV

I saw her sleeping peacefully as I smiling . She wake up and I turn my gaze away from her .

"What time now ?" She asked

"It's already 7PM"

"WHAT ?!!" I cover my ears as she shouting . Her shouts so loud but it's cute though .

"Did you wait for me for entire time ?" she asked with her suprised expression .

I laugh and tapped her hair .

"Yes" I replied .

"I'm sorry for─"

"It's okay" I cutted her and hold her hands make her startled .

"Let's walk home together"

Areum POV


He hold my hands as we walk together along the street . Until we reached my home I bid goodbye to him and hold the doornob .

"Done dating with your sunbae ?" Beomgyu said as I jolt out .

"Aish , you scare me" I said and hit his shoulder . He cross his arms and look straight on my face . I rolled my eyes and walk to my room .

I take a bath and change my clothes into hoodie . I lays on the bed and look at the ceiling .

"Did senior fall in love with me ?" I asked myself and rolling on the bed while hugging my pillow .

"Wait , it's weird dho . Why did Beomgyu didn't even call my name to eat ?" I said and walk to the
downstair .

I walk to the kitchen but he's not there . Then , I walk to the living room , only Toto there . Where is he ? I checked at the toilet and the washroom but he's not there .

"Where is he ?" I mumble . Then I make my way to his bedroom . I saw he already sleep .

"Hey" I whispered as I sit at edge of the bed . I pulled his blanket that cover his face but he pull it again . I sighed heavily and hit him with a pillow .

"STOP IT" He yelled make me stop hitting him . I'm suprised cause this is first time he yelling on me .

"Why did you act weird today ?" Without hestitation I asked him .

"Wht did you even care ? Why don't you just care about your senior ?" He replied . My heart drop when he say that .

"What are you talking about ?" I
asked . He look at me with anger face. Well he really weird today .

"What did you know Areum ? Aren't you thinking what I'm thinking right now ? You just care on your senior and didn't care about me . You keep following him everyday and left me alone . What did you know ? I'm suffering .

I need my friend besides me not following other boy . I need your attention . I'm hurted cause you pay attention to him but not me ! You didn't even ask 'how are you' but you asked him everyday ! And even I'm sick you didn't ask me . How could not I'm mad"

I scoff trying to hold my laugh . But I already laugh .

"Why did you laughing ! It's not
funny !" He said and hit my shoulder . I groaned in pain .

"Hey , it doesn't make sense eventhough I always with him , I always remember you ! I'm not a fake friend and I never fake my care to you" I said and hug him . He hug back as he coughing .

I break the hug and look at him .

"Did you──"

"No I'm not !" He cut me . I hold his hand and put my hand on his head.
So hot .

"you're sick" I said .

"Yea , I know" He replied and cover himself with the blanket .

"Wait here!" I said and run to the downstair . I took medicine and water as I run back to his room .

"Wake up and take this" I said as I shook his arm a little bit .

He wake up and faced me . I hand him the medicine and water . He just look at it . I rolled my eyes and put it on the table .

"Take this or else I'll leave you" I said and cross my arms waiting for him putting that medicine in his mouth .

After a long time .... Finally i update !! please vote and love ya !! ❤

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