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"I have something to tell you." Soobin expression suddenly change. He said it like it's a serious thing but often making fun on her. Areum rolled her eyes, didn't have mood to hear him. "I knew it. Shut up your mouth now." she blurted out. Soobin laugh a little bit.

"It's really important. Grandma is sick. I heard from your parents they gonna transfer you to another school next year." It's December. Areum didn't realized it's already December. She didn't realized that she grow so much. Soobin tapped her head making she startled.

Of course her parents will took her to their hometown. Her grandmother stayed there for a long time, surviving alone. That would be a logic reason that she should accept even though it's hard to her to leave them. Too much memories she made here. How many times she gonna move to another school?

Yes, she transferred here because she wanted it. She be happier. Not to mention, she's happy because of Taehyun. The one and the only boy who made her feel loved even though his afford to show his worry and love wasn't enough. Destiny was better than the fortune teller machine she thought.

She fall in love with Taehyun. The weird feeling suddenly come out nowhere. She know he can't love her back because he was popular and it is impossible to love back a poor girl.

But Taehyun also love her more than a friend but he didn't know how to confess his feelings to her making the worst part came.

"You gonna transfer to another school next year, aren't you hear me?" Soobin spoke again, smiling widely. She snapped from her thoughts, looking blankly at Soobin. "Oh-" There's nothing to say anymore. She must obey her parents.

"Oh yea tomorrow was winter holiday! We will celebrate Christmas Day!" Soobin smile widely. Areum poked his cheeks. "To much talk. But it's okay the room will not silent if you stay here for a little bit. Imma take a nap now."

"Nope I won't. Your mom told me to come home." Wait since when Soobin called her house was his home? Soobin got up from his seat, he kiss her forehead and walk out from the room, murmuring 'goodnight' before close the door.


[choi freaking yeonjun]
active now

Yo whatdupp ;;

;; yes?

;; btw it's not 'whatdupp' it's
'what's up'

I learned it from you ;;

tell me more about Taehyun ;;

;; what? Why?

;; are you a gay?

i'm a korean ;;

just tell me you little brat ;;

;; let's meet then. I'm lazy to
type. It's annoying too.

Let's meet at your sister's cafe ;;

;; wait what?

;; no! She is annoying.

stfu bye ;;

;; WAIT-

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