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"I hate Taehyun" Icey remembered back what did Areum said. She completely confused with that. What's the relationship Taehyun and Areum ? The same questions different days.

"Hello..? Um, HELLO ARE YOU THERE ?" she snapped from her thoughts as a male voice coming. "Oh sorry Beomgyu" she apologized. Beomgyu smile and tapped her head. "Cute" he doesn't notice what did he say making the girl flush badly.

"Icey !" Areum shouted, waving to them. Icey waved back and smile.

"What did you do here ?" Areum asked. "Just- ehe walking around this school" Icey replied. Areum smile as she turning her gaze to Beomgyu. Beomgyu staring at Icey with a weird smile, I mean sweet smile that Areum never saw. "Fallin' in love ?" Areum said. Beomgyu go back to earth and slapped her shoulder.

"I hate you" Do you think i'm fallin' love with her?

After a few minutes, they decided to go to their class. "Kim Areum ? She left him just like that ?!" They stop hearing Areum's name. Areum look at her seniors with confuse face. "Why ?" she asked. "Oh, she's here" one of them said. Areum got confused.

"Why did you left Taehyun ? Didn't he do any bad things ? I think he's not" Simple question but hard to answer. "Yea right ? Maybe she just playing around"

"Enough for it" Taehyun from behind suddenly, speaking. He didn't want Areum got into any problem eventhough he was mad. "Just- stop it. She doesn't do something wrong" he added as he walk passing Areum.

Just walk passing me ? She thought. Tears build on her eyes, she trying to hold back her tears cause it's too embarassment crying in front of him.

Areum run from that place, from that school. She run to a park far from her school. Am I the worst person in this world ? While sobbing, someone tapped her shoulder.

"Yo, crying doesn't bring anythings" a boy sat next her. Areum look at the guy with confuse face. Not to mention he's Choi Yeonjun, Taehyun's friend. He's the most richest boy. How could it not be ? His father has his own business and company while his mother work as teacher.

He sit next her, looking into her puffy eyes. He smile and suddenly tapped the girl's head. She shock by his sudden action. Her heart start beating so fast. Why would a famous boy being kind to her ? That's nonsenses.

"You really like crying" he chuckled as he lean in. He cupped her cheeks while Areum started to blush.

The atmosphere was silent and awkward, Yeonjun still cupped her cheeks. Her heart beats so fast. He let a chuckle then pressed his lips against hers.

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