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Beomgyu, he get witness. He's sick. He trapped in the hospital. It's been 2 weeks he stayed there. The doctor swung open the door open.

"Choi Beomgyu. You're discharge" she said with a smile. Beomgyu sighed in relief. "I'll called your friend to take you-" before she could further her words Beomgyu cut her off. "Just called Hueningkai. You know Hueningkai right ?" Beomgyu packing his stuff as the doctor walk out from the room.

His phone vibrated, he took it out, looking at the caller ID.

"Hey, I'm sorry I can't take you. I'll let Areum to go there"

"Hey- what about Yeonjun ?"

"He must attend to his presentation. Soobin was busy with his girlfriend and Taehyun was sudying"

The door open. It's her again.

Beomgyu let a heavy sighed and grabbed his bag. The girl just lowered her head. Beomgyu walk pass her, she already tearing. "Sorry" she murmured. Beomgyu stop his track, facing her.

"I didn't mean to hurt your feeling. It's all my fault. I'm stupid cause I didn't care about you. I'm sorry, I don't how to say sorry anymore"

He pulled her into his embrace, caressing her hair slowly. Areum was in shocked then her heart melting. She hugged him back, tightly. She really miss this hug so much.


After finished studying, Taehyun decided to take a break. He spend 2 hours, you know how much boring staring at the book for all time. He walk at the alleyway.

While walking someone accidentally bump onto his shoulder. "Yah !" he yelled. The girl bowed for three times and look at Taehyun.

This face is so familliar.

"Taehyun ?"

"Areum ?"

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