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After I fed Beomgyu I told him I will go back home early and he just nodded . Before leaving I give him kiss in his forehead which made him giggle .

While walking to home I felt like something following me from behind as I heard footstep's sound .

I walk more faster as someone hold my wrist . I turn back slowly , I thought it was someone who'a trying to kidnap me but it's Taehyun .

"I thought you're sleep walking" He said with his worried face .

"Where are you going in this time ?" He asked again . I raised my eyebrow as I confused in this time ?

"What do you mean ?" I asked .

"It's already 2AM , aren't you go to school tomorrow ?" He said .

"Yes I will"

"Then what are you doing in this time?" He asked again .

"I just come back from hospital" I replied . I can felt he sighing .

"Let's go to your home . I'll walk with you . It's dangerous for you walk alone" He said and I just nodded my head .

While walking the rains fall heavily , we sprint to the bus stop waiting for the rain calm down . I shivering in cold and hug myself .

I felt something wrapped on my body I look at Taehyun . Dude , d-did he-

"What ?" He asked

I shook my head and wrapped the coat tightly on my body cause I'm really cold.

Then the thing that really make me regret um no SHOCK is he pulled me into his warm embrace. My eyes widened as he hug me tightly.

"W-what a-are y-you d-doing ?" Shet why I'm stuttered ?

"I just don't want you to sick." He replied and look at me. We're close. Good thing Beomgyu wasn't here or not- no think positive.

The rains keep falling as Taehyun never let go me of his embrace. My heart DUP DAP DUP DAP. GOD HELP ME FROM HIMƸ• ͟ʖ•Ʒ

After a few hours the rain stop and we continued walk. I touch the doorknob and twist it. I look behind and saw Taehyun was about to walk away.

"Taehyun-ah-- no I mean senior come in. Can you stay here ? I'm scare if something bad happen to you" I said without stuttering.

He look at me and walk in with his sweeteness smile. I smile back as I signalling him to sit on the couch. I go to Beomgyu's room and took his some clothes.

"Here" I said. He make his way to the restroom and I wait him at the living room. Wait for what ?

"This is your father shirt ?" He blurted and sit next me.

"Nope, it's Beomgyu's shirt. Since he was not going to school tomorrow you borrow his uniform" I said.

He nodded his head. I was about to stand up when he suddenly grabbed my hands make me startled.

"I'm scare here. Would you sleep here this night with me ? I mean you're sleep at the couch and I will sleep at the floor" He said, still holding my hands. Without hestitation I nodded my head and he let go of my hand.

A few moments laters

I can't sleep. I look at Taehyun who was sleeping peacefully. His perfect face, his pure lips, I don't know how pure it was. His smile that made everyone days.

I wish that I can be the girl that he tell me a few day.

"She was so close on me . From the first time I met her when she bump on me I already fall in love with her . She has friend but it's a boy . I always look after her from a far . I'm worried if she gets hurt . I fall in love with her cause she was trouble maker , funny and more .

I even can't take off my eyes on her . She's so pretty and cute . While she smiling it's always give me butterflies. I wish I can see her smile everday"

"A-areum, AREUM!" He shouted make me come back to my sense. He suddenly hug me tightly.

"S-senior, w-what h-happen ?" I asked and hug him back. Pff , what the heck I'm doing.

"I thought I lose you" He said and break the hug.

"It's okay. I'm here you can continued sleep" I smile and he continued sleep.

I thought I lose you

What's that mean ?

Finally I update ! sorry if i late to update 🙁 i have to go back to my hostel . But thanks for who are vote read my story . I know it bored 😔 but enjoy . 🙂

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