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Areum didn't kiss him back either, she didn't move as she freeze herself. Her eyes widened while Yeonjun keep kissing her. She didn't realize that Yeonjun already on top of her.

p/s : I am disgusting :D

Meanwhile :))

"Taehyun, you should search her ! She doesn't around our school !" Icey suddenly appeared and blurt out. Taehyun lift his head towards the girl, "She doesn't want me anymore" he said as he lock his eyes with hers.

Icey gulped as she step backward when Taehyun suddenly got closer to her and grabbed her hands. "This isn't right Taehyun!! You shouldn't give up so easily!!" she yelled and smacked down his hands. She slightly slapped Taehyun. "You deserve it" with that she leave him.

Taehyun come back to his sense. He's under control. He search for Areum everywhere. Then he thought Areum was at the park. He smile and run to the place. His smile faded away once he step closer to  a bench with two person sit there.

They were too close.

"A-areum ?" Both of them break the kiss. Areum was shock seeing Taehyun was in front of them. "This is not what you see" she said as she walk towards him. She was about to grabbed his hand but he step backward.

"I shouldn't trust you, Kim Areum" He walk away, leaving Areum there. She run to him, grabbing his hands and he flinched. "T-taehyun !" Taehyun glare on her. "What do you want Areum ? Didn't you enjoy the kiss ?" Tears start filled in his eyes. Areum got witness.

"He kiss me but I didn't kiss him back !" She tried to explain but he doesn't want to hear her explanations. "Stop it Areum. We're done."

"W-wait !"

Taehyun ignored her and continue walking. A tear rolled on his cheeks. "Aish, Kang Taehyun do you have license to cry ?" he quickly wiped his tear away but it even fall more.


Yeonjun took out his phone from his pocket and dialling a number before he brought the phone near to his ear.

"mission completed"

"you already do it ?"

"of course, yes"


"What should I do now ?"

"Leave her there, I'll take care of her"

"Anything for you my king"

And with that he ended the call, smirking. A car arrive as Yeonjun hopped on.

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