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"I knew that will happened." Areum sigh heavily as she making her way towards Beomgyu and Icey. They look at Areum. "What happen? Your face look like an ugly monkey pff-" She slightly glare at Beomgyu who was teasing her. Icey rolled her eyes.

"Ignore him. He's being weird since yesterday." Icey state then she pulled Areum and dragged her to the near cafe. They talk and talk. Then Areum started silent. Icey seems worry because she often talk to them whenever they're together.

"Is everything okay?"

Areum snapped out from her thoughts. "I completely blurt out everything to Kyungmi about my relationship with Taehyun five years ago." Beomgyu and Icey gasped. Beomgyu couldn't swallow the ice he eat, Icey spill out her drink. "That's for your good."

Areum look at Beomgyu coldly. "What the hell? Good for me? I'm sure she's gonna hate me for the rest of her life." She sigh. Icey and Beomgyu laugh. Areum was lost in confusion. "No she wouldn't do that. She will understand you no matter what."

After that, Areum goes back to her home. There's nothing she want to do in the weekends than sleeping, hanging out, sleep. It's recycle every weeks.

Ting !

2 message from Bear❤.

Active now

;; are you okay?

;; Kyungmi and Taehyun are here
at our house rn. I mean- Icey sleepover
here. Don't u ever think any dirty things.

I didn't reply yet ;;

So what? ;;

;; Oh- I thought you want to see

bruh gyu. Kyungmi will swear ;;
at me

;; No way!!! I'll arrived in
25 minutes. Stay tune huehue

Curse you Beomgyu ;;

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