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Beomgyu POV

"Take this or else I'll leave you" She force me to take it . After thrust myself I drank the water quickly .

I don't want to lose you that's why .

"Good boy" She said as she patting my head and told me to sleep . She walk away and disappear from my sight .

After that all my heart beating so fast. Wait did I fall in love with her ? She love her freaking senior .

"Huh why did you even didn't notice my effort to prove that I love you more than a friend but I just made mess in front of you" I whispered as hot tears streaming on my cheeks .

A/N : So emotional *fake tears*

I look at the ceiling as the old memories when we still 6 that still I remember running in my mind .


"Huwaa" A girl crying while sitting on the ground . I walked to her and sit next her .

"Why are you crying ?" I asked as I patting her back .

"Yeonjun oppa doesn't like me" She said and continued crying .

"Here" I said and hand her a crystal flower . She just look at me . I raised my eyebrow .

"Wae ? It was strange . Pretty girl always like crystal flower" I said as I scratch my head . She took it from me and give me kiss on the cheeks .

"Thank you !" She said .

"Why ? W-why did you did that ?" I asked confusely .

"Mm ? My mother told me if someone give us flower we should give them kiss on the cheek !" She said . I chuckled and tapped her head .

"You're so funny" I said and pinch her nose . "Yah ! You─"

I run away as she after me . I smiled while running .

End flashback

I smile as I remembering that old memories . We're growing together , staying together and also we had promise .

"Promise never leave me ?" I said and look straight on her face . She smile and replied "Ne ! Promise !"

Wait , I found her diary on her study table yesterday . Hehe , I'm gonna read it .

12 August 2007

Dear diary ,

You know what ?! I have new friend today ! His name is Beomgyu ! Wow , he also give me crystal flower .
Waa , it's so pretty . Tomorrow
I'll go to preschool with Beomgyu !
So , I'm gonna sleep early .  Bye bye diary! Wait wait ! I'm not done.
I'm gonna stay away from Yeonjun
oppa cause he so selfish . Huh , bad
boy I hate you ! How can you rejected me because you said my face UGLY . I HATE YOU( ー̀εー́ )! I WILL CHANGE YOU KNOW !!

I chuckled as I turned to next page and continued reading . You're really funny Areum . I hope Yeonjun regret saying that

27 November 2007

Dear diary ,

Yeonjun oppa want me . HAHAHA

18 December 2007

It's raining outside . The sound of the thunder make me scare .

23 February 2008

Dear diary ,

I'm sorry for not seeing you . I'm just arghh . I'm so happy ! I have many friend at my new school !

10 March 2018

Grandma leave us

13 June 2018

Grandma I miss you .

24 August 2020

Dear diary ,

You know what ? My first day at my new school I've found my crush . I mean new crush ! Uwauuu , he's sooooo handsome !

28 August 2020

My knee hurt and my senior bring me to the school clinic . Waa how can he be so caring ? And Beomgyu , annoying. He ruining my moment with my fav senior . I will kill you !

30 August 2020

I will tell my feeling to Taehyun oppa. Since when I call him oppa ? Nah , whatever . I'm gonna tell him next day ? Another day ? Anytime ? Anytime yea.

I closed the diary after reading it . Why you love him so much ? I toss the diary to the floor and force myself to sleep .

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