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Areum POV

Next day~

I decided to skip my class as I stay on my house . I've prepared the food and making my way to Beomgyu's bedroom .

I open the door slowly when I saw my diary was on the floor . How ? Did he read all of my diary ?

I took it and wake him up .

"Gyugyu , wake up" I said as I shook his body . There's no response . I put my hand on his head . I'm VERY VERY SHOOK . His head more hot than yesterday .

He even didn't open his eyes . Did he passed out ? I quickly search his phone and unlock it .


Call || Message

I touch the call button and walking around the room .

"Jebal" I mumble as waiting for him to accept it .

"Ne Beomgyu ?"

"Seniorcomeherenow!Beomgyusick!" i said without taking my breathe .

"Wait calm down . Beomgyu sick ?"

"Yes ! Please come here"

"Okay okay wait there . I will be there"

"Hurry" I said and endded the call .

Beomgyu why did you make me worried ?


Taehyun rushed to the hospital as he bring him on his back .

Tit tit tit tit tit

"Beomgyu why did you don't open your eyes ? Wake up please" I said with teary eyes as I hold his hand tightly . No I can't lose him .

He-   He my everything .

"Areum , let's go outside . He need rest" Taehyun said and tapped my shoulder . I stand up and walk out from his ward .

"Since when he sick ?" He asked

"Yesterday" I replied while sobbing .

"Areum.." He said as he cupped my cheeks make me shocked .

He pulled me into warm hug as he hug me tightly . I'm shocked then hug him back .

"Hajima.. Stop crying . I'll sad too
then" He said as he caressed my head.

I hug him tightly and crying hardly .

Taehyun POV

"Shh" I tried to comfort her as I hug her tightly . She rest her head on my shoulder and crying hardly .

"I don't know why he keep made me worried . He already know that I love him . Why did he do this for me ?"

My heart drop . I break the hug and stand up .

"I'm sorry . I have to go now" I said but she grab my hand .

"W-where ?"

"I have something to do" I replied . She let go my hand as I walk away .

Areum POV

Taehyun disappear from my sight . The nurse come towards me and smile .

"He already wake up" She said . Without hestitation I run to his ward and hug him .

"Areum- uhuk uhuk" he coughing because I hug him tightly . I break the hug and look straight on his face .

"W-wae ?" He asked

I hit his hand hardly with tears streaming on my cheeks . You made me cry..

A/N : So emotional *fake tears* I can imagine how is your reaction when reading this-

"Yah ! It's hurt" He said . I wipe my tears away .

"You made me worried about you" I said lowered my head .

"Excuse me ?" He said . I look at him with anger face .

"Then take care of yourself by yourself" I was about to stand up but he grabbed my hand .

"I'm just joking okay ?" He said I sit back as the nurse come and hand me porridge .

"Thank you . By the way when he can go out ?" I asked with a smile .

"We will tell you if his condition in well" I just nodded and look at him .

"Here" I said as I want to fed him .

"What ?"

"I will fed you"

"No you can't"





I fed him before he finished his words.

"Eat more less talk" I said while he pouting . Yea , I admit that you're cute but not at all .

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