Chapter 23

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(Holy fuck- you guys rlly want me to continue that smut. I'm sorry I suck at making smut, so I'm gonna finish it fast. Maybe 100 to 200 words.... )

Dabi wasted no time undressing Tomura and himself. Reaching over to grab lube from the bedside table, he coated his fingers in the substance. And giving no warning, he pushed a finger inside Shigaraki's entrance.

"Holy fuck Dabi~!" The blue haired male moaned loudly. Dabi grinned and shoved a second finger in. He then began to scissor his fingers inside the male. "Just fucking hurry up already." Shigaraki groaned impatiently.

"You want it rough Tomura? Cause I'll give it to you~" Dabi pulled his fingers out and lined up with Tomura's entrance. Not even bothering to lube himself up, he roughly shoved into the shorter male. Earning a gasp of pain mixed with a moan of pleasure, he stopped once all the way in to let Shigaraki  adjust. When he got a nod from the bottom he began to move, quickly speeding up.

Pretty soon Dabi was slamming into Shigaraki. Shigaraki was just a complete moaning mess underneath him. Shigaraki wrapped his legs around Dabi's waist, pulling the taller male closer.

"Fuck- I think I'm gonna cum" Dabi moaned out, speeding up more... if it was even possible. He grabbed Tomura's dick and began to quickly rub it, causing the leader to reach his climax before himself. Dabi was cumming not very long after though. 

Collapsing next to Tomura, Dabi reached out and pulled him closer. Pretty soon they both were out cold.

~A little while later~

Shigaraki woke up to find himself on top of Dabi. The burnt man had been paying with Tomura's hair and looking at his phone before Tomura had woken up. When he noticed that the leader was awake, he pulled him into a kiss.

"Sleep well kitten?" He asked with a smirk, continuing to play with Shigaraki's hair. His so called kitten just nodded in response, laying back down and shutting his eyes.

"You better get up, Mamagiri is going to say we're lazy." He got nothing in response. "And you have to get ready," still nothing. "I'll make pancakes..." still nothing. "Chocolate chip pancakes?" At this Shigaraki jumped out of the bed and ran to his room, smiling like and idiot. Dabi laughed and went to the kitchen to begin making the pancakes. 

"Did I hear something about chocolate chip pancakes?" Toga skipped into the kitchen after him.

"You were listening to us? Fucking perverted creep." Dabi glared at her.

"1. My room is right next to yours bird brain. And 2. I only heard what happened after you guy said fucked." Toga said and pulled out a stool and sat down at the counter. Dabi ignored her and began to make the pancakes.

Soon after they were done Tomura pretty much ran into the kitchen, wearing a light blue sweatshirt and jeans. His hair was slightly damp, probably from taking a shower. Dabi put some pancakes on a plate and slid the across the counter to him, Toga was already munching away.

After they were done Shigaraki decided to pass the time by playing a few video games. Twice and Toga decided to join him. Dabi went out for a quick smoke.

"Okay. We've got Mario Kart, GTA, Super Mario Bro's, and COD. What do you guys want to play?" Shigaraki said while turning on the console.

"Mario Kart!" Toga and Twice Aida in unison and began to giggle like children. Tomura just rolled his eyes and started up the game. After many many intense games and a whole bunch of shouting, Kurogiri entered the room closely followed by Dabi. Dabi looked slightly agitated, and Shigaraki made a mental note to ask him about it later. But- Twice beat him to it.

"Hey Dabi, why do you look like someone stole your toy?" 

"Well, tomorrow is in fact Dabi's birthday, and for some reason he I saw mad that I know this." Kurogiri answered for him. (let's just say it is January 7thin the story. Dabi's birthday is January 8th.) 

"Why would you be mad about that? Oh! We need to get a cake, and decorations, and I red to get you a present!" Toga yelled in delight.

"This is exactly why I don't tell people Toga. There is no reason to celebrate it. Being born was the worst things that happened to me." Dabi muttered just loud enough for everyone to hear.

"Oh shut your trap! We are gonna throw you the best party ever!" Twice said with a smug look. Dabi just groaned and sat down on the couch. Twice and Toga ran off to the kitchen, most likely to begin their planning. And Kurogiri went into his room.

"Why do you hate your birthday so much exactly?" Shigaraki said after a while.

"It doesn't matter... just leave it be will ya?" Dabi groaned, rubbing his temples. Shigaraki rolled his eyes and leaned into the taller male then went back to his games.

(Kinda short chapter, I know. Writing this story has been getting harder lately... but I promise I'm going to keep trying! Love you all!)

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