Chapter 17

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Todays shout out goes to Katsu9882! For the next shout outs I'm going to randomly scroll through the chapter and pick my favorite comment, then the person who wrote the comment will get the shout out! It will be like this for all the chapters from now on! Now for the story! P.S. this fanfiction will not follow any of the story line from here on.

                                            ~Shigarakis pov~

I was getting kinda nervous, everyone was here except Dabi and Bakugou. What if those brats got to him and saved Bakugou? What if Dabi was badly injured? One gate was still open though, so I kept my cool.

After one more minute, Dabi walked through the gate holding two people by the neck. Bakugou and- wait, who is that? He had half red half white hair and had a scar over his left eye. Dabi threw them to the ground and 6 of the members quickly grabbed them and tied them to seperate chairs. Both were alseep, due to the fact Dabi was probably suffocating them.

I sighed and said "Come get me when they wake up, Toga." Then motioned for Dabi to follow me. I walked into his room and sat on the bed. Then he walked in after me.

"What's with the candy-cane outside? I told you to kill everyone except Bakugou." I asked him as soon as he shut the door. I noticed he got a bit uncomfortable.

"Well, that cand-cane is one of my brothers. He is very fucking powerful, and you would know this if you paid close attention to him at the AU sports festival. He hates my father just as much as I do so he will be easy to corrupt. If we can get him to join us, it may be easier to get Bakugou." Dabi finished. I could see right through this though. I could tell he still loved his brother and didn't want him to get hurt. It was cute.

"Fine.." I sighed "but if he screws this whole thing up you will be taking the blame!" I glared at him childishly. He smirked and got closer, until there was a rapid knocking on the door.

"Dabi! Where is Shiggy? They are awake!" I hear Toga's muffled voice from the other side.

"We will be there in a second" Dabi sighed.

"Oooooooh~, are you guys fucking?!" Toga squealed. I turned bright red at this. Dabi yanked the door open and growled at her, chasing her down the hall. Great first impression on the future recruits....

I quickly grabbed my hand from my room and put it on my face, then I walked torwards the kitchen. The closer I got the more I could hear mini explosions.

I walked in and saw our two guests wide awake and pissed as hell. Bakugou was the source of the mini explosions. He had a evil death glare on the group, but as soon as I walked in it was turned on me.

"YOU LET ME GO RIGHT NOW BASTARD!!!" Katsuki yelled at me.

"Now, now. That's no way to treat your host" I chuckled.

"GO FUCK YOURSELF!!! ALL OF YOU." he screamed again. I guess I'm going to have to get used to this. How did those teenagers ever deal with him?

"I'd rather not. Can you please shut your trap and let me speak now? Or will I have to gag you?" I asked. He grumbled angrily under his breath.

"Spinner, why don't you untie our guests? We don't want them to get uncomfortable." After I finished a few of them complained.

"Shiggy, won't they escape?!" Toga.

"Yea, you really think they are just gonna stay put?" Twice.

"This will have a bad ending" Compress.

"Shut the hell up. All of you." I growled. Luckily, it worked. Spinner did as he was told and started to untied them.

"Listen, I just want to talk. Nothing big. I dont like using mutch force on future members because then I can never really trust them." I said as they were untied.

"What do you really want from us? We will never join you." Shouto finally said something.

"I think other wise. What would being a hero ever do for you besides getting you killed, Shouto Todoroki? Why should you become a hero when you've seen how greedy and evil it makes people. Take your dad for instance. He is the reason your family has been split apart. When was the last time you saw your brother, Touya?" I could tell that last sentence made him think, so I continued.

"Your father is cruel. And what have we done really? Your father is a monster compared to us, but he's number two hero. If you joined us, you would have an actual family. You may not believe it, but we are very close here." I finished.

"What do you know about my damn brother?" He glared at me. Did he really ignore what I just said.

"I know where he is this very moment. I know his personality.  And I know I can trust him." I responded.

"You liar! Touya is dead! My father may be cruel but he is no cruel enough to lie about that!" He screamed. I guess I hit a nerve. I just shrugged.

"That's enough for today. Spinner, Compress, Toga, Twice, tie them back up." I then turned around and walked away.

When I got to my room I changed into just an oversized hoodie that went almost to my knees (he's kinda short in this fanfic, like 5'4 or 5'5)  and collapsed into my bed. The others did all the work yet I'm so tired. Maybe because it's 1am? I tried to fall asleep for a while.

I was almost asleep when I heard my door open, causing me to jump. I could tell it was Dabi because his staples shined in the moonlight.

"Don't fucking barge into my room like that at 2 in the morning! You scared the shit out of me!" I whisper-yelled at him, making him chuckle lightly.

"You used to be the big bad leader, look at you now. Have I really ruined you that much?" He teased. I sighed and scooted over, making him some room. He quickly climbed in bed next to me. I rested my head at the crook of his neck and he wrapped his arms around my waist. That must have been how we fell asleep.

I've been making Shiggy a lot softer, and I'm just now realizing it....... who gives a damn though. Soft Shiggy is cute ÙwÚ

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