Chapter 18

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Shout outs! My favorite comment on the last chapter was from Pro_Gay_Disaster! Some extra shout outs are Emodrarrysnake and borislover1!

~Dabi's pov~

I woke up in Shigaraki's bed. I was used to waking up in his bed, it was a common thing for me now. Shiggy sat up yawning, then the sound of an explosion startled us both.

"What the fuck was that?" I asked, sitting up like Tomura.

"Don't you remember? Bakugou has an explosion quirk. I still have no clue how he hasn't broken the ropes yet." Shiggy said, looking over at me. I just groaned and laid back down. I heard Tomura get out of bed and get dressed while I tried to go back to sleep.

"Get up, or I'm going to get the pots and pans again." I opened one eye and saw Shiggy smirking, probably remembering the last time he woke me up with pots and pans.

"If you ever do that again, I'll hurt you so bad you'll have more patches then me." I growled at him, getting out of bed. He just chuckled and walked out. 

I quickly walked back to my room and grabbed some clothes. I walked into my little bathroom and got into the shower.

After the shower I dried off and got dressed, and fixed my hair a little before heading to the kitchen. When I got there I was greeted by a lot of smoke and a lot of yelling. Half of the smoke was from Bakugou and the other half was because our oven was on fire. Toga was yelling "Where the hell is the fire extinguisher?!" and searching through the closets. 

"Are you fucking kidding?! You don't even know how to make bacon in an oven?!" Bakugou was yelling at Toga from the chair he was tied in. Shouto was just watching Toga run around. It took me a while because of the smoke, but I finally found Tomura. He was at the bar, shaking his head in annoyance. 

I walked up and sat down next to him. Chuckling, I asked "How is Toga this bad at cooking? I mean even Moonfish could cook when he was still here."

"I don't know. I really don't know." He replied, then shouted "Toga! The fire extinguisher is under the sink god damn it!"

"That would have been useful to know when the fire first started!" She screamed back at him, running over to the sink and grabbing the extinguisher from the cupboard under it. She quickly put out the fire in the oven.

"You better leave that out in case Bakugou starts another fire." I told Toga.

"Good point." She nodded at me, then sprayed Bakugou. She sprayed him in the face more, probably an attempt to shut him up. This just made his yelling worse.

"You damn blood sucking bitch! Don't spray me with that shit! You got it in my eyes!" He screamed. I quickly got up and moved Shouto's chair farther away from him. I didn't want him to blow an eardrum because of that angry pomeranian. He glared up at me. I just ignored him and walked back over to the bar, taking out a bottle of whiskey. 

"You're really gonna be drinking that this early in the morning? You haven't even had breakfast yet!" Tomura said, looking at me like I was crazy.

"Some people drink orange juice in the morning, some people drink whiskey in the morning. It's not that big of a deal." I replied, sitting back down next to him. He rolled his eyes and put some bread into the toaster next to him.

"What is that horrible smell? It smells amazing!" Twice walked into the kitchen, followed by Compress and Kurogiri.

"Toga burnt the bacon." I sighed, taking a sip from my glass of whiskey.

"Hey dipshits! We need to eat too you know!" Bakugou shouted from behind me. Shigaraki nodded at Twice and Toga, and they quickly untied their arms.

"Try anything funny and I'll turn you both into fucking kabobs" I glared at both of them. Toga skipped over and handed them both a bagel with cream cheese. Shouto nodded a thanks while Bakugou just shoved it into his mouth. 

"So back to business." Tomura said, getting up and walking in front of them. I decided this was my moment to claim what's mine. I grabbed the chair I was on and dragged it over to them. I quickly sat down and pulled Shiggy on to my lap.

"Hey let me go, Patches!" He yelled at me, trying to squirm off while I held him down.

"Nah I'm good" I smirked, earning a huff from him. That's when I remembered the people around us. Toga and Twice were squealing, Kurogiri and Compress could care less, Bakugou still just glared, and Shouto kept his cool, though he did seem a little more red. Shigaraki growled one more time then continued like nothing was wrong.

"Have you taken your time to consider my offer yet?" He asked them.

"Yeah, and I say fuck off!" Bakugou said, though my brother looked as though he was considering it.

"What would I get out of it? It's not like you actually care about me, so what do you want other than my power?" Shouto asked.

"You would get many things out of it. Money, fame, and a family. Though you think we don't care, we actually do care for all our members and protect each other at any costs. And you would get to be with your brother." Shigaraki replied.

"Stop it with my brother! He is dead! And even if he is alive, why would I want to see his sorry ass?! He left me! He left my siblings!" Now that hurts. I didn't want to leave them, I just couldn't handle my father anymore. I told Shouto I would come back for him before I left.

It was silent for a while. Toga, Twice and Compress all left, and Kurogiri was silently polishing the glass I used earlier.

"Prove it." Bakugou suddenly said.

"Excuse me?" I asked. 

"Prove that Icy-hot's brother is alive. Prove that he is here."

"Well your proof has been in front of you this whole time. Your proof has been here every time I have been here. Your proof kidnapped you." Shigaraki replied, getting off my lap.

"This freak is Touya Todoroki?!  They don't even look alike! No one in Icy-hots family has black hair even!" Bakugou laughed. Though for Shouto it looked like everything was clicking together.


Don't you all love cliffhangers? I know I do UwU

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