Chapter 22

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(Heyo! Hope you all are having a great day! Imma write this one in no ones pov to see if it is easier for me. All the cards for the game were from Markiplier's Cards Against Humanity videos because I couldn't come up with some on my own. If you don't know what Cards Against Humanity is then... well you will probably understand in a second.)

'DAMN SHIGGY LOOKED HAWT! I uh- I mean he looked pretty good. I don't know what Toga is trying to do, but I like it. And honestly him getting all flustered when he noticed me staring made  it so much cuter!' Dabi thought.

"My turn!" Twice yelled and grabbed a black card. "In high school, I never really fit in until I found BLANK club." Twice shut his eyes and waited for everyone to put in their cards.

"Okay, you can look now!" Toga said after putting in her card. Bakugou looked around at everybody with a smirk. 'Oh shit, he must have a good card' the burnt man's glared at the little Pomeranian.

"In high school, I never really fit in until I found Fisting club." Twice picked up the first card and said, earning a few giggles around the table. "In high school, I never really fit in until I found Total Fucking Chaos club."

"That sounds amazing." Dabi said and laughed with Toga.

"In high school, I never really fit in until I found Being Hilariously Gang Banged by the Blue Man Group club. Holy shit, that would be weird! I think I'll have to go with... Total Fucking Chaos club." Twice held up the card.

"That would be mine!" Bakugou smirked and grabbed his win from Twice.

"Okay, My turn now!" Toga happily grabbed a black card from the pile and read, "HEy baby, come back to my place and I will show you BLANK. Put em in boys!" 

"This can go wrong in many ways." Tomura chuckled. 

"Twice, put you god damn card in!" Bakugou yelled, losing his patience. He was taking forever!

"But I don't know what to choose!"

"Just pick one!"

"Okay. Hey baby, come back to my place and I will show you... preteens? Who the fuck put that in? Do I just have a bunch of preteens stashed in my closet? Hey baby, come back to my place and I will show you... peeing into a girls butt to get her pregnant?!"

"That's how you were made baby." Twice said.

"I don't think it is an actual baby, Twice." Dabi snickered.

"Hey baby, come back to my place and I will show you... a horse with no legs. That is sad! I'm gonna have to go with...  preteens."

"Thank you!" Twice said and snatched up the card.

"I was the horse with no legs." Dabi said... his humor is to far beyond your understanding.

"Why would you pick that?!" Bakugou looked at him weirdly.

"Just Imagine, your chilling at a party and someone comes up to you and goes 'Hey, come here. I wanna show you something.' And they just pull back a curtain and there is a horse with no legs." 

"Wha- why- How is that funny?!" The scarred boy rolled his eyes and looked over to Shigaraki. He was laying across the couch on his chest while playing on his phone. 'God fucking dammit. It was like he was trying to get me to fuck him! Actually, I wouldn't be surprised if he was, the dirty little bastard.' Dabi thought to himself.

"Dabi- Dabi! DABI!!!"

"Huh, what?" Dabi was broken out of his thoughts by the screaming voice of Toga.

"It's your turn." Toga said, smirking at him like she could read his mind. He looked down at his pile to see only 1 black card, while everyone else had at least 5.

"Nah, I think I'm done. You guys are kicking my ass."

"No surprise there..." everyone looked at the doorway and there was Mr candy cane, mocking Dabi. 

"Oh fuck off, peppermint!"

"Hey! That's my peppermint" Bakugou smirked.

"Alrighty then. That means it is your turn BakuHoe." They quickly got lost in the game again. Dabi took his chance and grabbed Tomura by the wrist, yanking him off the couch and dragging him towards his room.

"Oh hell no! I have things to do tomorrow! I don't have the pleasure of sitting around all day like you, so I can't deal with a literal pain in my ass. Hey! Are you even listening to me?! Dabi!"

"Shut your mouth, Tomura. Or I'll shut it for you." The shorter man scoffed at that. Quickly yanking him into his room Dabi shut the door and locked it. Shigaraki opened his mouth to protest again, but instead was shoved against the wall. Dabi started to lick and nip at his neck so all that came out was a small moan. Yanking the shirt off him, The taller of the two went right back to it. Though he began to suck a bit harder. Covering his pale skin in bright red and purple marks.

"D-Dabi I-"

"What, you want me to stop?" Dabi pulled away a little and looked down at him. Shigaraki stared at him for a while before slowly shaking his head, earning a smirk from Dabi. 

"That's what I thought..." Dabi scooped Tomura up bridal style and tossed him onto the bed, wasting no time getting on top of him. Pining him down to the bed, Dabi began to suck on one of Shigaraki's nipples while rubbing the other one in between his fingers.

"Holy fuck, Dabi!" Shigaraki moaned out. 

(And that is enough for you children. If some of you really want me to finish it just let me know and I will in the next chapter. Oh and sorry for the short chapter and the long ass beginning. Have a great day! Or night, idk)

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