Chapter 20

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Finally it's done. I hope it was worth the wait. I made it a long chapter for you guys. Please enjoy it!

~Dabi's pov~

We arrived back at the hideout pretty quickly. Everything was quiet when we got back, which was crazy because it's almost never quiet. Especially after we kidnapped Bakugou.

We found Toga talking to Shouto In the kitchen. Bakugou had fallen asleep in his chair.

"Hey guys! How was your date?" Toga asked, smirking.

"Fuck off" Shigaraki said while smiling at her. I sighed and flicked Bakugou in the head, causing him to groan in his sleep.

"Leave him be dickwad" Toga said, throwing an apple at me. I threw it back then leaned up against the counter. 

"What were you guys talking about before we came in"

"Oh! Shouto said he was thinking about staying!" She said with a big smile on her face.

"Really...?" I looked over at Shouto with a questioning look.

"Yeah, why not? This hero crap isn't really working out for me. Plus it would mean more time with you. As long as I don't have to hurt anyone I love, I'm good…" Shouto said, though I could still see the hesitant look in his eyes. I wanted him to stay, sure. But I also want what's best for him, I'm his fucking big brother after all! God this isn't like me at all… what is Tomura doing to me? I'm going all soft. I noticed Shigaraki was smirking at me, like he knew what I was thinking. I grabbed a glass of water and took a sip. 

"So… you two are dating?" Shouto asked awkwardly, making me choke on the water. 

"Uh yeah" Shiggy responded while looking over at me with a concerned yet trying not to laugh look. I just went red in the face, and I don't think it was from the choking. I haven't seen my brother in years and he's already on about my love life? 

"Please, feel free to be as loud as possible while I'm trying to sleep. I don't give a damn about your love life" Bakugou groaned and opened his eyes. 

"My kitchen fucker" I replied.

"You mean my kitchen Patches" Tomura said to me.

"Our kitchen?"


"Fine then the bar is mine"

"That belongs to Kurogiri. If it was yours you would always be drunk off your ass" 

"When I said feel free to be louder, it was a joke." Bakugou broke into our conversation.

"So Shouto, do you have eyes on any of the girls in your class?" Toga asks, trying to make conversation again. I swear if he says the floaty bitch I am going to kill her. 

"Uh, n-no..." Todoroki replied, eyes on the floor. 

"Not a single girl in that whole school?"

"I'm n-not really into girls…" He was blushing at this point. That would explain the way he keeps looking at Bakugou… less than 1 day and I already have that brotherly leverage. 

"Oh, following in your brothers footsteps are we? Yet Endeavour tried so hard" Toga giggled.

"Fuck off" I hit Toga on the back of the head lightly. I grabbed some booze from the bar and handed everyone a glass.

"I'm 17 you moron" Shouto said putting the glass down and taking the one from Bakugou before he could down it.

"Hey, I'm no pussy like you" Bakugou said, trying to take it back. Kurogiri walked in and made the two glasses warp somewhere else.

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