Chapter 6

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Thank you to crustyhandman Yasaka_chan and PhsyciCoroikaWeeb for wishing me a happy birthday! Also another thanks to Yasaka_chan who will be helping me write this story from here on.

~Dabi's pov~
I woke up with a mild hangover, but nothing I wasn't used to. I walked to my bathroom and took some headache pills (Advil) then got into a shower.

I sat in the shower for a while, washing up till I heard Toga knocking on my bedroom door screaming "get your ass out of the shower! You're gonna use all of the hot water!"

I shut off the water and stepped out, wrapping a towel around my waist and using a different one to dry my hair. I would use my quirk, but I dont trust myself and I don't want to burn all my hair off. I finished drying off then quickly got dressed in my usual white shirt and black pants. I couldn't find my jacket so I just didn't wear it. I found a cool looking chain belt and some chain bracelets in my closet so I decided to put them on.

I walked out of my room and went to the kitchen, putting bread in the toaster and grabbing eggs out of the fridge. I got a pan out of the cabinet and started to cook my eggs. When everything was done I sat down and ate at the counter. I ate my breakfast while thinking about a certain person.

I just couldn't figure ou why I was so attracted to Tomura. I mean he's cute, or it may just be me going against my dad (Endeavor), but I can't seem to stop the butterflies in my stomach everytime I think about him.

I finished eating then put my plate into the sink. I walked towards the living room to watch some tv then stopped dead in my tracks next to the couch.

Shigaraki was cuddled up on the couch with my jacket wrapped around him. It looked a little big on him, which just made it even cuter. I felt my face get hot and I knew I probably looked like a purple and red tomato.

He started to wake up, and I smirked and almost laughed as he realised I was watching him and then realised he was in my jacket. I watched as a deep red blush formed on his face and as he quickly took the jacket off and threw it across the room into a corner.

I sat down on the couch next to him and said "Did you steal that from my room last night?" I smirking when he got even redder.

"N-no! It was on the couch and I got cold! Plus, I'm not going in there ever again after what you did last night dumbass!" He yelled.

"What did I do last night?" I asked, looking over at him. He just looked at me like I was a complete idiot.

"Nevermind..." he muttered then stood up, walking away torwards his room.

Sorry it took so long!

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