Chapter 1

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                                                     ~Dabi pov~
  It was only a day after joining the LoV. All of the people I know are a mother like dude named kurogiri, a crazy blonde bitch named Toga, and blue haired person, who I'm guessing is the leader, named Shigaraki. I was sitting on my bed doing something on my phone when I heard a knock on my door. I walked over and opened it to find a smiling Toga standing there.

"Hey Dabi! Wanna play a game with me?" She asked me with a creepy ass grin.

"Hell no" I said in my usual cold tone, then I closed the door in her face. I heared her stomp away then i walked over and sat on my bed again.

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Time skip~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

I was getting hella bored of just sitting on my phone so I decided to go get something to eat, seeing as it was already 1:34. I walked into the bar room to see Shigaraki and Kurogiri talking. I sat down on a stool next to Shigaraki.

"Want anything?" Asked Kurogiri while polishing a glass.

"Got anything to eat?" I asked putting my elbows on the table and resting my chin on my hand.

"Ya, are chips okay?" He asked pulling out a bag of chips.

"Ya chips are fine" I said and took the chips from him.

I started to eat and play on my phone while listening to Shigaraki and Kurogiri talk about our next move. I looked up to see shigaraki staring at me from the corner of his eye, but as soon as I looked up he quickly looked away. Why the fuck would he be staring at me? I thought. Kurogiri walked away leaving me and Shigaraki in the room. I continued to play on my phone then after a while I heard Shigaraki clear his throat. I look up to see him staring at me.

"Need something chapped lips?" I smirked at how the nickname earned me a mad glare from him.

"No, I'm just fucking bored alright?" He said crossing his arms like a mad 5 year old.

I just chuckled a little then got up and started walking to the living room.

"Where the hell are you going" I heard Shigaraki say just before i reached the door.

"That's none of your fucking business" I smirked and walked away.


                                           ~Shigaraki pov~
"He thinks he can just act like that torwards me?! I'm his fucking boss!" This is what i was thinking as Dabi just walked away. I ran out to find him sitting on the couch in the living room playing on his phone.

"Why are you so obsessed with that damn phone?" I said leaning against the doorway.

"That's none of your concern" he replied in an annoyed tone.

"Actually it is my concern bitch! Maybe you haven't noticed, but I run this place!" I spat out. Well, that it kinda true, but All for One is the real leader here. But I call the shots at this place! Kinda... Sorta...

He got up and walked right up to me, his face only a foot away from mine.

"Nobody is in charge of me mother fucker!" He growled.

"That's what you think" i said standing up straight.

He quickly grabbed me by the neck with one hand and held my wrists above my head with the other.

"Say that again, I don't think I heard you right" he whispered coldly into my ear.

I tried to get out of his grip, which only made him tighten his hold more and make me gasp for breath.

"L-let g-g-go" I struggled to get out.

This just made him smirk and say "what, I thought you were the big bad leader"

He then let go and I dropped to the floor, gasping for breath.

"Fuck you..." I muttered under my breath as he started to walk away.

He then stopped and turned around "I mean, if you want to" he smirked.

I felt my face heat up after hearing him say that. He walked back over to me and crouched down right in front of me.

"First off, you can't boss me around shit bag. Second, you will listen to me or you are going to regret it" he said looking into my eyes. I couldn't help but admire his beautiful eyes as I shook my head in agreement, not wanting to be choked again.

He then got up and walked away leaving me sitting on the floor, trying to sort out what just happened.


I hope you enjoy my story so far! If you don't and you hate this story, I'm sorry. I know it's probably fucking crap. Just letting you know that I will be continuing it! I will try to have an update out as soon as I can, as long as I'm not stressed out with school work.


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