chapter 7

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I painted that earlier and just wanted to put it in here.

                                          ~Tomuras pov~

Why. Why can't I stop thinking about that jackass! Most of all, why can't I get the feeling of him kissing me out of my head? Like how the way his top and his scarred lip had such different feelings, but it just made the lovely touch feel to much better, Or how soft his hands were, or how his soft and hot breath against me nearly made me lose it.

I was laying in bed thinking about this when I heard a knock at my door. I got up and walked over to it to find Kurogiri standing there. He walked in and sat down on a chair at a desk I had in my room.

"Ok, what's up with you lately? You've been acting all awkward and odd around Dabi for a while now." He said getting straight to the point.

"What do you mean? I've been acting completely normal!" I said, keeping my gaze directed to the ground.

"You know you can tell me, right?" He said. I sighed and sat down on my bed.

"I... I think I might have feelings for Dabi..." I said with my gaze still directed to the ground.

"Like hatred, or anger?" He asked in a confused tone of voice.

"No, like... like love, maybe even lust..." I said, feeling my face heat up a tiny bit.

"hm... well then tell him. It's to hard to try and avoide him forever, so just let him know and see if he feels the same." He said. That's what I like about Kurogiri, he doesn't mock or hassle you about things. He just is chill.

"Yeah, maybe I will." I said, finally looking up at him. Just then we heard a lot of yelling start up from the living room. Kurogiri teleported us to the source of the noise and we found Dabi and Toga in a fight about what sounded like who got to watch what on the tv. Toga probably wanted to watch her stupid ass bird show and knowing Dabi, I'm guessing he wanted to watch a horror film.

I stepped in between them and yelled "stop fighting like fucking 6 year olds about the tv! You both have tv's in your damn rooms!" They both gave me a death stare. Toga's death stare didn't faze me one bit because I was use to it but Dabi's... his sent a shiver down my spine. His piercing blue eyes were beautiful yet creepy at the same time.

Toga stomped away pouting and Kurogiri went who knows where, leaving me and Dabi alone in the room. After making sure they were gone, Dabi pinned me against the wall.

"What did I tell you about bossing me around?" He whispered in my ear, his hot breath tickling my neck.

"I-I'm sorry m-master..." I muttered. He smirked and grabbed my chin, yanking my head up and forcing me to look into his blue eyes. He kissed me heatedly then let go and walked away, leaving me wanting more. That's the thing with him, even to you don't want to always admit it, he always leaves you wanting more.

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