Chapter 5

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Shout out to Yasaka_chan for the comments and SleepEatGame for telling me the controllers were Play Station controllers and not
X-box controllers!

                                    ~Shigarakis pov~
I woke up to find that I had fallen asleep on Dabi's lap after playing on the PS. "That's embarrassing..." I muttered to myself.

"What's embarrassing?" I heard Dabi ask. I tried to get off him quickly but fell off the couch in the process. He laughed at me then stood up, walking away torwards the door.

"Hey dickwad, are you not gonna help me up? It's your fault I fell after all" I said in a annoyed as hell tone.

"Nah, you can stay on the floor" He said, walking out the door leading to the bar.

"Bitch..." I muttered, standing up and sitting back down on the couch. I started to played a game on my phone for about and hour until I heard a crash from the bar. I ran into the bar to see a broken glass on the floor and a very drunk Dabi trying to walk out the other door. It was actually quite funny watching him trying to walk away, it seemed like he tripped almost 100 times. I sighed and crouched down, picking up the broken glass. I threw the pieces away and looked up to see that Dabi hasn't even made it out the door yet.

"Need help idiot?" I asked, smirking.

"Yeash" he slurred out. "Wow, he's so much easier to deal with when he's drunk off his ass" I thought, walking over to him and putting his arm around my shoulders to help him. It took forever to get to his room. He kept tripping and falling on his face, making me laugh practically the whole time. I opened his door and helped him to his bed. I tried to walk away but he pulled me on top of him.

"What do you want now" I groaned. He flipped us around, making him be on top of me.

"You~" He whispered seductively into my ear. I tried to shove him off but, even in a drunken state, he was stronger then me.

He started to kiss and bite my neck, making me moan out quietly in pleasure. He ripped off my shirt and held my arms above my head by my wrists. He started to move down my collar bone and my chest. I felt my face heat up and started to feel hard. He continued going down until he got to the waistband of my pants.

He pulled at it with his teeth and then used his hands to pull them all the way down, leaving me in just my boxers. He moved back up and kissed me, licking my bottom lip for entrance, which I gave knowing what he would do if I didn't.

He won in dominance immediately. While kissing me he rubbed his leg against my dick, making me grow even more hard.

"Handy-man?!?!" I heard Toga yell from somewhere in the house.

"Just ignore it" Dabi whispered in my ear, sending shivers down my spine from his hot breath.

"Shiggy?!" She yelled again, sounding closer. Dabi huffed in annoyance, rolling off of me to lie right next to me. I quickly got up, pulling my shirt and pants back on. I practically ran out the door. I almost ran right into Toga when turning the corner.

"W...what do you want?" I said, trying to sound annoyed.

"Are you okay Shiggy? You're very red.." she stated.

"I'm fine. What do you want?" I asked.

"Dinner is ready! I'll go tell Dabi, you can head to the kitchen!" She said, walking past me torwards Dabi's room.

I walked to the kitchen and sat down, ate, then went to my room. I locked the door making sure no one could get in. I still was hard from what happened. I sat down on my bed and quickly delt with my problem. I then changed into some PJs and went to bed.

There, I did some smut. Your welcome.

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