Chapter 12

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                                                       ~dabis POV~

"So this is what has been going on between you two" I jerked around and saw AFO standing in the doorway. Me and Tomura both jumped off the bed as fast as possible. I looked at the ground, trying to look away from him.  We stood there in silence for a while until All for One decided to break it.

"I'm not in charge of your lives, but didn't you consider the plan before you got together? What if something happened to one of you and the other threw off the whole plan?" He said. I glanced up at Shigaraki to see he was also staring at the ground. 

"No..."  Tomura responds "and this plan is fool proof, nothing would happen to one of us." He finally looked up at AFO. They looked at eachother for a while until AFO sighed and shook his head.

"If something does go wrong, and one of you gets hurt, you better not do something stupid." AFO said, turning around and walking away. A few seconds later we heard the front door open and shut.

Shigaraki finally looked at me. I could tell he was trying to think of what to say, but I beat him to it.

"Well, that could have gone a whole lot worse." We both chuckled and sat back down on the bed. A second later Toga and Twice came running into the room.

"Wow, he's so cool!" Toga squealed.

"I was scared for you guys." Twice said. then his other part said, "I knew you would be perfectly fine."

After talking with them for a little while, Kurogiri told us it was time for lunch. We walked to the kitchen and found that he went out to go get pizza while we were talking with All for One. Everyone grabbed a slice and sat down somewere, Toga stayed in the kitchen with Kurogiri, Twice went to Spinners room to eat with him, while me and Shigaraki went to the living room.

"So... what was it like to have a #2 pro hero as a dad?" Shigaraki asked after we finished our pizza.

"It was a living hell." I said. I could tell he wanted me to go on, so I did. "He was so hard on me and my siblings, especially on me and Shouto because we were the strongest. If we didn't work hard enough, he would beat us as punishment. He literally drove my mother insane until she burnt Shouto, giving him big scar over his left eye. She was sent to a mental hospital after that."

"Wow. I'm sorry." He said, hugging me. I hesitated for a bit, but then I hugged him back.

We turned on a show after that. A little while later a felt something on my shoulder then I saw that Tomura had fallen asleep. He was so god damn cute! I picked him up and carefully carried him to his room. '

After I made sure he would be alright I went back to my room to take a quick shower. When I was done i dried off and got some pajamas on. I decided to finish the show in my room until I got tired.

I watched it for a little while then heard a knock on my door. I answered it and found Tomura, wrapped in a blanket. He looked pale and frightened.

"What happend?" I said, feeling his forehead.

"Th-there's a spider in my r-room." He said in a hushed tone so that no one awake could hear him. It took everything I had to not laugh. Who knew the feared league of villains leader, Tomura Shigaraki, was afraid of spiders!

"Do you want to sleep with me?" I asked, still trying not to chuckle. He just nodded his head and layed down in my bed.

Sorry I haven't posted in a bit. What would you guys think if I made Bakugou end up joining the LOV with Todoroki? I ship them so I thought it would be fun to add them. If you like or dislike the idea please let me know! I'm gonna go to bed now...

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