Chapter 3

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Sorry for all the spelling mistakes in the last chapters... and sorry for not posting, I've been busy lately. Anyways, if you're even reading this, enjoy!


                                  ~Shigarakis pov~

  I opened my eyes and found myself laying on the couch. My neck felt a little sore and my back was killing me from sleeping on the hard couch.

"How the fuck did I even end up here" I thought, then the night before came back to me. The last thing I could remember was what Dabi said before I blacked out. I felt my face heat up as I repeated the words in my head, "Your gonna be a good little pet~"
I quickly stood up and walked to the bar while rubbing my back.

"Fuck" I muttered under my breath while sitting down and pouring some vodka into a glass. I drank it then poured another. I got up and brought the glass of vodka with me while walking to my room.

"Up so soon?" Dabi said as I walked past him. I wasn't even looking at him but I could just picture the smirk on his face.

"Just leave me alone you fucker" I said walking away.

"What was that?" He said. Then I remembered those dumb fuck rules he gave me last night again.

"Just leave me alone master" I said, the word felt bitter in my mouth.

"Turn around bitch" I heard him say and right as I turned around, I felt his lips crash into mine. I was so fucking confused. "What the hell is he doing?! Why does this feel right?! WHY AM I KISSING HIM BACK?!" those were some of the many things rushing through my head at that moment.

I felt him lick my bottom lip asking for entrance, I was hesitant but then he bit my lip and as I opened my mouth in a yelp he quickly stuck his tongue in. I tried to put up a fight for dominance, but I lost. He explored my mouth with his tongue. I felt him put his hand down my pants and I gasped and quickly pulled away.

"W-what the fuck-k Dabi?! Why did y-you kiss me?! Why did y-you-" I was cut off by him pulling me back into another kiss, this one just as heated.

"Aw~ don't act like you didn't like it baby" he said with a wink and a smirk. God does he ever not smirk?!

"I-I didn't like it you bastard!" I said, still stuttering like a fucking fool.

"God, I gave you 2 names. Sir and master, so whats with all this shit you keep calling me?" He said, getting dangerously close.

"I'm not calling you by those fucking names! I'm not your slutty pet or some shit!" I yelled at him, finally not stuttering. He just laughed at that. He got even closer, our lips only about 4 inches apart.

"You'll be my slutty pet if I tell you to be~" he whispered into my ear. As he finished he started to nibble on my ear. This caused me to moan out loud.

"Looks like I found your sweet spot, princess~" He said in his low, seductive voice. Just then we heard the front door open. He quickly pulled away and walked to the kitchen, stealing my vodka and taking it with him.

"God damn him" I muttered, walking into my room and slamming the door behind me.

                                             ~Dabis pov~

I drank the vodka I stole from shiggy and set it on the counter. Then I heard Toga yell "WE'RE HOME MOTHER FUCKERS!!!" God, she really knows how to piss me off. I would probably burn her alive if Kurogiri wasn't there to stop me.

"Yeah I know crazy ass" I said as she opened the door and came into the kitchen.

"Where is Handy-man?" She asked, looking around to see if he was in here.

"In his room." I said pouring a glass of wiskey.

"Stop drinking and go get Shigaraki, I brought pizza" Kurogiri said, walking into the room with a pizza box.

"Yeah yeah fine..." I said, chugging the rest of the wiskey and standing up. I walked to Shiggy's room and knocked on the door.

"What do you want?" I heard him say from the other side.

"Kurogiri brought pizza, come get some or imma burn yours to coal" I answered. I heard him opening the door andd as soon as he had it open I grabbed him by the wrist and pulled him into the kitchen.

"I can walk, dumb fuck" He said trying to pull away.

"I know, but your slow" I said, tightening my grip so he couldn't get away.

The rest of the evening was spent eating the pizza, getting into a fight with Toga, and heading off to bed.

808 words, wow...

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