Chapter 21

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(Hey ppl, just so you know, Shigaraki isn't a crusty dusty dinosaur in this fic. If you want a reference, look at kiljae's shigaraki cosplay on TikTok. I'm not a huge TikTok person but I gotta say it is the best place for cosplay.)

Dabi's POV~

Everyone seemed very down in the dumps after losing AFO as our leader. It was VERY rare for the base to be so quiet, well the new base seeing as the hero's have been watching that place like a hawk. We were barely able to get their stuff out, luckily Kurogiri was able to get in and out fast. 

I can't say that Bakugou and Todoroki were very down though, seeing as they never met the guy. Actually, they were going wild! It was like their new found freedom was the only thing they were missing in their lives. They were even brave enough to steal booze from Kurogiri's bar, which I gotta say, takes a lot of guts. Even I don't try that when he says no.

Shigaraki was the exact opposite. He rarely ever stepped out of his room, only doing so when he had to eat. He would only occasionally let me step into his room to talk to him, and if I ever brought up AFO he would shove me out before I could get a full sentence in. It kinda hurt me to see him so down. So I did the craziest thing I could think of. I asked Toga for help...

~Shiggy's POV~ 

I honestly didn't know how to feel or act after our latest defeat. It felt like spending years leveling up to fight the big boss, then to take one loss and lose everything.  All your hard work, all your progress... gone. I will admit, I really did miss AFO. He was more of a dad to me them my real father ever was. He saved me, raised me, and made me who I am today. I could tell the others were trying to get me to talk to them, but I honestly didn't even care.

There was a knock on my door, bringing me out of my thoughts. I could tell it was Dabi. I can always tell when it's him some how. 

"What do you want." I called out to him, not even caring to get out of bed. As soon as I was done talking the door was kicked open and Dabi just walked right on in.

"Get your ass up. We are gonna go fuck with some hero's and shit." He said, walking up to me and yanking me out of my nest of blankets and pillows.

"Not right now Dabi. I don't feel like it."

"Did I ask you? No, I didn't. This was Toga's idea, and trust me you don't wanna hear my idea." He sad with a smirk and began dragging me towards the door. I sighed in defeat and began to follow him to the front door where we found Toga, Bakugou, Todoroki, Twice and Compress waiting for us.

"Hey Shiggy! We are gonna take Katsuki and Shoto here on their first mall trip! Won't that be fun?" Toga is the first to speak up.

"Wait I thought we weren't gonna go steal some shit. I've been to the mall plenty of times!" Bakugou says with a confused look on his face.

"We just call it a mall trip, my friend. Since we have no money this is our way of shopping." Compress answers his question with a small wink before putting on his mask.

"I'm only going to keep Bakugou out of trouble. And maybe fuck with the hero's that never helped me and my sibling even after they knew what wasn't going on" Todoroki said with a small sigh.

"Oi! I can take care of myself just fine Icyhot!" Bakugou snaps at him, yanking open the front door.

"Hey wait! You guys have to put these on!" Toga yells, handing everyone a face mask.

"God, why am I doing this again?" I sigh and grab the face mask from her. 

"Because you need to get your sorry ass out of your room!" Dabi answers.

"That and Dabi was going to fuck you if you didn't get up soon." Twice giggles. Thank god for these masks, because I'm pretty sure I was blushing like mad. When we got their we did our usual scouting of the stores we liked. Seeing if there is anything we want, when is the right time to grab it, which stores have the detectors, that sort of thing. We also had to teach the 2 newbies how to do it while not looking suspicious. Honestly, they caught on pretty quickly. Even I didn't notice when Todoroki swiped a necklace. 

We were there for quite a while, grabbing shirts, pants, jewelry, etc. It was a pretty good haul, considering the last time we came a hero spotted us after only one store. Almost every tv at the mall were giving reports about our 2 new additions to the group, giving descriptions and other shit. Bakugou almost blew one up when the reporter said he had major anger issues. I mean, he's just proving that point.

On the way home, I felt something grab my hand. I looked down and found Dabi's hand laced with mine. Again, thank god for these masks. I probably had the stupidest grin on my face. It was a really good day, we all seemed to forget our worries for the time being. Well, it was a good day until Toga stopped me at the front door.

"Put these on!" Oh god, I knew that look. I took the clothes and saw that it was a white crop top with ripped black skinny jeans.

"Hell no, I'm not wearing this."

"Oh come on! They will go great with that black jacket you wear all the time!"

"Ok, I'll wear the shirt if I can keep my jacket zipped up at all times."

"No! Then no one could even see ur wearing it! Now go put it on!" She said, shoving me into my room.

"Are you trying to kill me?" I yell through the door at her. I sighed, realizing that this was a losing battle. I put the outfit on, grabbing my jacket she was talking about for good measure.

*I have it on* I texted.

*Good! Come on out!*

*No! People do not need to see me in this*

*Come out or I send Dabi in >:3*

*I knew it, you are trying to get me killed*

Oh my god, she is such a pest sometimes! Zipping up the jacket, I stepped out into the living room. In there I found Toga, Dabi, Bakugou, and Twice playing a game of  Cards Against Humanity.

"Happy now?" I glare at Toga and sit down on the couch.

"Dang Tomura, those jeans really show off your ass." Dabi said and laughed, placing his card in. 

"Oh shut your mouth Patches."

"Hey! What did I say about the jacket?" Toga glared back at me. I unzipped it Andy that was that. Wait, is it just me or does Dabi keep looking at me. Oh fuck....

(Hello! I hope this chapter isn't a disappointment after such a long wait. I just don't really know where to start. Hopefully it gets better! Thanks for reading!)

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