Chapter 11

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                                             ~Tomuras pov~

I woke up in Dabi's room all alone.

"Dabi must have left to get something to eat" I thought. I got out of the bed and walked over to his closet. I grabbed one of his hoodies and some sweats and put them on. No way in hell am I putting that skirt and crop top back on. I walked to the kitchen and found Toga and Twice in there but no Dabi. I made a piece of toast then sat down next to Toga.

"Anyone seen Dabi?" I asked, taking a bite of my toast.

"I think he went out to go do something" Twice replied. I finished my toast and walked into the living room to watch some tv. After a few minutes of watching tv I heard a knock on the door. I checked through the small peep hole and saw All for One standing there. I quickly opened the door and let him inside.

"Ah, Tomura. Just the person I wanted to see. Is everyone prepared for the attack on the UA students camp tomorrow?" He said. Shit, I forgot about that.

"Uh... yes..." I replied, sitting back down on the couch. He sat down next to me and I started scratching my neck like I always do when I get nervous. Then I heared the door open and in walked Dabi. He had a few bags in his hands, he must have gone to the store.

"Oh uh, All for One... this is a surprise." He said when he saw us on the couch. All for One just nodded over to him. Dabi quickly walked into the kitchen. I heard voices coming from the kitchen then Toga ran out.

"All for One! So glad you're here!" She yelled, sitting down on the couch across from us. Dabi and Twice walked out a few moments later and sat with her. We sat there in silence for a bit until Toga got up.

"I'm gonna make some tea!" She said, skipping to the kitchen. A conversation about the upcoming attack started. We talked about it for a while, making some last minute plans and all that, until Toga came out with the tea. We talked for a bit longer until Twice and Toga left for something, leaving an awkward silence.

I glanced over at Dabi and saw that he was trying to avoid eye contact with All for One, who was looking at Dabi.

"You never did tell us your real name, Dabi. Mind sharing it while I'm here?" All for One said, breaking the silence. Dabi hesitated for a second. He looked like he was about to share his bigest secret.

"Uh, my original name was Touya, but now it's just Dabi..," he said, still avoiding eye contact.

"Touya what?" All for One said.

"Touya Todoroki... but that name means nothing to me. Endeavor is not my father, he's a scum bag" Dabi said.

"Ok, but are you truly loyal to us? Would you go back to your family?" All for One kept questioning.

"Yes, I am loyal. No, I would never go back to my family. It's not like those assholes would ever want me back anyway." Dabi said the last sentence with gritted teeth. I could tell he wanted to be done.

"Did you ever have a close relationship with one of your family members? Should I worry about that relationship?" All for One continued.

"I did have a close relationship with shouto once, but that is long gone." Dabi said. "Excuse me..." he said.

He then got up and walked away, leaving me and All for One alone in the room.

"I...I'll be right back." I said. I got up and quickly walked to Dabi's room and found him sitting on his bed. I sat next to him and rested my head on his shoulder. I'm not the best at comforting people but I was trying. After a bit he wrapped his arm around me. We sat there for a while until I decided to break the silence.

"I'm sorry. It must not be easy to talk about them." I said.

"It's fine" he replied. He then pulled me into a kiss. It wasn't really heated, it was more passionate. We were like that for a while until we heard someone speak up.

"So this is what has been going on between you two."

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