Chapter 9

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Shout outs!! First is shrookbiesh! Next we have ja3704! Third is SleepEatGame! Fourth goes to 1i2h3a4t5e6m7e! Fith is crustyhandman! The last shout out is Chipmas! If you want a shout out in the next chapter let me know in the comments!

                                            ~Shigarakis pov~

I woke up and almost fell off the fucking bed. I can't believe I fell asleep on top of fucking patches!!! I felt my face heat up a lot and knew it was really obvious. Atleast Dabi is still asleep.

"You look like a tomato" I looked down and saw Dabi smirking up at me. Fuck! I thought he was asleep! I groaned and got off the bed, walking torwards the door.

"Aw did I do something wrong?" Dabi said then I heard him jump off the bed to follow me. I opened the door then shut it in his face then ran down the hall into my room. I quickly locked the door and went to my desk. The reason I ran is because I don't have time for any distractions today. I need to come up with plans for our next move and plans to help us avoid days like yesterday.

I spent a few hours working on plans until I heard a knock on my bedroom door. I walked over to it and opened to find Dabi. He had changed into a button down grey shirt and black pants. He handed me a sandwich and walked right past me and sat on my bed.

"What do you want?" I said, sitting back down at my desk and biting into the sandwich.

"There's nothing to do. Twice, Toga and Kurogiri went shopping, Spinner won't leave the kitchen and I have no clue where the hell the rest of them are. Your bed is to small" he complained. I sighed then read over the plans I had made. I continued to read them until Dabi snatched them out of my hands and read them.

"That's not going to work. My brother could easily block that with his quirk, and his little friends could probably help him out too." He stated and handed the paper back to me.

"Your brother? Who's your brother?" I looked over at him questionly.

He sighed and replied with "no one" then sat back down on my bed. I put the papers back on my desk then sat next to him on the bed.

"When did Kurogiri say they would be back?" I asked.

"He said in  an hour, and that was about 30 minutes ago, so they should be back in half an hour. Oh and he said to not leave you alone for to long, so here I am," he replied then looked out the window. I silently nodded my head and watched him. He really was hot, no quirk pun intended. I mostly admired his blue eyes. They were really stunning.

He caught me staring and chuckled. I quickly looked down to the floor. I felt him staring at me and tried to avoid eye contact, knowing I would just lose myself in his eyes again. We just sat in silence for what seemed like forever.

"Come on, lets go get something to drink." Dabi said, breaking the silence. He stood up and walked out with me following behind. We got to the kitchen and saw that spinner had finally left. I grabbed two glasses then sat down at the counter while Dabi pulled out some whiskey and vodka from the cupboard. He sat down next to me then started pouring the drinks.

                                         ~many drinks later~

My head was spinning and I couldn't think straight. I tried to stand up but almost fell over, but I felt Dabi grab me.

"Are you okay Tomura? Maybe you should take a break from drinking" he said and pulled the glass I was reaching for away from me. Dabi definantly had more alcohol tolerance than me.

"Yourr no fhun" I muttered, causing him to chuckle.

"I'm fun when I'm drunk, to bad I have to keep an eye on you." He teased.

"Not wen you try to rape me..." I muttered.

"What? I never raped you!" He said, looking at me like I was crazy. I just laughed.

"You really don't remember? I took you to your room last time you were drunk off your ass and then when I tried to leave you trapped me under you and removed all my clothes. You probably would've kept going if Toga didn't come looking for me." I said, laughing at the shocked look on his face.

"To bad she did come looking for me, we would've had a fun night" I muttered low enough so he couldn't hear.

"God I'm sorry, you're not even gay..." He groaned. That just made me laugh. He looked over at me with a really confused look. He's cute when he's confused.

"Bitch, I'm hella gay! And not only that, but you're the one that made me realize I was gay." I said, trying not to laugh but failing miserably. Apparently everything is funny when you're drunk off your ass. He just stared at me for a bit, looking like he was debating something in his head.

"Fuck it" he muttered, taking one last shot then pulling me onto his lap. He started to kiss me heatedly and I kissed back just as heatedly. We fought for dominance but, like always, he won. I was a little pissed that he won so I decided to get revenge. I started to rub up against his dick, causing him to let out a muffled moan.I sped up a little bit and tried to unbutton his shirt but he pulled my hands away.

"We're still in the kitchen." He whispered in my ear then started to nibble on it. I moaned out in pleasure, enjoying the feeling.

He pulled away from my ear then started to kiss and bite at my neck, making me moan out in pleasure. I could already feel a hickey forming at the area he was biting at.

I heard gasps come from the doorway. I jerked my head torwards the doorway and saw Toga and Twice standing there. They both looked shocked but Toga also looked like she was about to fangirl.

"Always coming home at the worst time" Dabi muttered. I tried to jump off of him, but still being drunk as hell, I fell over.

"So you got him drunk then tried to rape him in the kitchen?" Twice said, smirking at Dabi.

"No! I'm not like that!" Dabi yelled at him, helping me up. Toga broke out of her shocked faze then started to squeal. She was the most annoying person when she started fangirling.

"Shut your trap" I growled at her. She was making my head pound. She ran out of the room fangirling, probably going to tell the others being the fucking big mouth she was.

"I'll make sure she doesn't tell the whole damn world about this." Twice sighed, walking the same way Toga ran.

"Let's get you back to your room." Dabi sighed, picking me up. I wrapped my arms around his neck and my legs around his waist so that I wouldnt fall then buried my fave into the crook of his neck.

When we got to my room he put me on my bed then went to my closet. He came back with some sweats and a t-shirt for me to sleep in. I tried to take off my clothes but my hands kept slipping. He sighed impatiently and yanked them off for me then put the pajamas he got on me. We layed down and I curled up next to him. And that's how we fell asleep.

Toga is a serious cock blocker... anyways once again, if you want a shout out then tell me in the comments and put your favorite ship from any movie.

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