Chapter 13

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Hey, I just wanna thank everyone for the support. I really thought no one would like this. And thank you Yaska_chan for helping me with all these chapters!

                                          ~Shiggy's pov~

I woke up in Dabi's bed then remembered what happened last night. In my defence, that spider was big as hell and I wasn't going to deal with that. And I have a deathly fear of spiders...

I looked to my side and saw that Dabi was dead asleep. I decided I would get ready while he was still asleep, so I walked to my room to get showered.

I took a quick shower and got dressed in black pants and a grey sweatshirt, my usual clothes. Next I went to make some breakfast. I decided to do bacon and waffles because half of the league really likes them.

"This is gonna use a lot of mix" I mumbled. I wasn't wrong, there are like 11 or 12 people here right now because we are attacking those UA brats today. I really don't even know why AFO wants that Bakugou kid in the league. He's probably just gonna screw everything up.

I started making the waffles when I heard Toga walk into the kitchen.

"Need any help?" She asked.

"Yeah, you could make the bacon." I replied, handing her 3 packages of bacon. She smiled and pulled out a miniature grill to start cooking it on while I continued to make waffles.

"Hey Handy-man? Do you think we might get hurt on this attack?" Toga asked me.

"Yes, I definitely think it is possible we could get hurt." I replied, waiting for one of the waffles to finish so I could make another.

"What if one of us dies, or doesn't come back?" She said in a hint of sadness in her voice. I never really considered this. What if someone did die? Or got seriously injured? What if Dabi got killed?!

"I don't really know Toga…" I replied, trying to keep my voice calm and steady.

A little while later we finished making breakfast, and I still couldn't get the thought out of my head of Dabi or another one of the villains getting killed or injured. I told Toga to tell everyone breakfast was ready while I woke up Dabi.

I walked to Dabi's room and saw he was still dead asleep. It's like 9:30 and he's still in bed?

"Dabi… wake up." I said. He was still asleep, and I was hungry so I wasn't gonna play nice. I know it's childish, but I ran to the kitchen and quickly grabbed 2 pans. I passed Spinner and Twice on the way back and said "don't let him kill me"

I walked back to his room and stood next to his bed. "GET YOUR LAZY ASS UP PATCHES!!! I MADE BREAKFAST!!!" I yelled, banging the pans together. He shot up like a rocket, and I took that as my que to get out of there before he turned me into ash.

I quickly made my way back to the kitchen and sat down at the table with Toga, Twice, Spinner, and Muscular. Everyone else was either standing or eating in the living room. I grabbed a waffle, (For those of you who went crazy when I didn't butter Dabi's toast) put BUTTER and syrup on it, then grabbed a piece of bacon. 

Dabi came walking into the room looking a tiny bit pissed a little bit later.

"Have a rude awakening?" Twice asked, smirking at him. He glared at him then at me, to which I just gave an innocent smile. I quickly finished eating and put my plate in the sink. I walked to my room to make some last minute plans for today.

I know it's kinda short, but I'll have the next chapter done either tonight or tomorrow. I have family over and I'm being forced out of my room.

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