Chapter 15

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My shout out for this chapter is JoeyFox315! I'm rewatching  episode 3 season 3, and I'm gonna try to get every word Bakugou and Todoroki and the villians say during the Scare forest thing so it will be more like the anime. Sorry if I don't get it word for word.

~Dabi's pov~

I walked through the warp gate and found myself on a hill right next to a forest. About 2 miles away I could see a camp over the trees. I waited for the others to come through. One by one they all came through the warp gate. Once Shigaraki and Kurogiri came through, we all put on are gas masks and headed into the forest. I looked behind me one last time to see Shigaraki before heading in. He was staring right back at me. I gave him a quick nod then continued in, following close behind Mustard.

~Bakugou's pov~

You have to be fucking kidding me! I got paired with that Icy-Hot bastard?! I quickly walked up to tail boy. I'm going to force someone to trade with me.

"Listen up Tail, trade with me!" I said, grabbing him by the shoulder. I heard Grape start to be a pervert again, he must have been paired up with one of the girls.

" rivalry in the dark..." Bird boy said for the millionth time. He must be talking about his quirk. I think the monster gets stronger the darker it is. I may not seem like it but I do pay attention to my classmates. I need to know how to destroy them.

"Ok, group 1 head in!" One of the cat heros said. One by one we were all sent in. When it was time for me and half-n-half's turn, I quickly got infront of him. A little bit later he started to walk beside me.

"Stay behind me Icy-Hot!" I growled at him. He just ignored what I said and continued to walk beside me. I started walking faster, but that only made him speed up also.

"Who do you think is gonna try and scare us first?" He asked. I shrugged and kept walking. All the sudden a head popped out of the ground in front of us.

"Heh?" me and Todoroki said at the same time, stopping in our tracks. The head disappeared but we could hear laughing from the bushes. I walked over to it and found a skull boy laughing. I growled and continued on the path.

~Dabi's pov~

Mustard, me, and Twice had split off from the rest of the group after finding the place Kurogiri told us to meet after we got Bakugou. I found a good area with enough dead trees to start a big fire.

"You go ahead and start setting off your quirk, me and Twice will start our jobs." I told Mustard. He walked off like I told him. I made a ball of fire in my hand and lit the dead trees. I touched all of them and a few alive ones, lighting them on fire. I watched as smoke rose into the air, then continued on. I touched all the trees that I got close too. I could smell the strong smoke so I knew it was spreading. A little while later, a dark purple mist came through the trees, so I guessed Mustard had started his job.

Me and Twice ended up at the building our 2 hero targets were in. I quickly made sure they were inside through a window, and luckily they were. All the sudden we heard a voice come through. I'm pretty sure it's the quirk of one of the pussycats.

"Everyone! 2 villains attacked us. It's possible there are more coming. Everyone return to camp immediately. We're regrouping. Do not engage any enemies!"

"I'll look after the other students, protect them!" I heard Eraserhead say, then I heard him running.

"Quick, make a copy of me!" I told Twice. He touched my arm and all the sudden there was a clone of me. I nodded at it and it headed to the door to stall the hero's.

"Come on. Let's go help the others get Bakugou. And we are no longer going to kill Todoroki. We will capture him, Shiggy's orders." I said to Twice. We headed off into the forest. We were almost there when I heard Toga's voice.

"Huh? Lame. Im the only one here?" She asked.

"Hey crazy, did you get the blood? How many different kinds?"

"One persons!" She replied with her usual smile.

"Just one?! Hey what gives, weren't you supposed to get atleast 3?!" Twice asked her.

"That's just the way it went down. I thought those brats were gonna kill me!"

"Tch, whatever. You're looking a little to happy right now! Strange, shouldn't you be full of shame?" Twice says.

"Yeah, but I made some great new friends! And I found a cute boy I'm interested in!" Toga giggles.

"Is it me? No thanks babe. I love you too!" Twice makes a heart shape with his hand. His sides are so confusing, you never no which one is the real him.

"Both of you shut it, you're to loud." I sigh. Then something catches my eye. All the sudden Mr. Compress comes falling from the sky with a bunch of the brats on his back.

To be continued... it got to long so I copied some of what I wrote and now I'm gonna go paste it in a new chapter.

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