Chapter 10

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Hello UwU There is smut, actual smut, in this chapter so I suggest skipping if you're not comfortable with that!

                                                ~Dabis pov~

I woke up in Shiggy's room and he was no where to be seen. I got up and walked to the kitchen to find Twice and Spinner. I grabbed a piece of bread and used my quirk to make quick toast then sat down next to them.

"Morning, how was it" Twice said, smirking at me.

"How was what?" I replied taking a bite of my toast.

"Fucking our boss of course!" I dropped my toast and felt my face turn a bright red.

"We... we didn't fuck you bastard and why are you even here? You don't live here." I said.

"Shigaraki asked us to come over sense we are gonna make the attack on the UA kids training camp soon." He said, then went back to his conversation with spinner. I sighed and walked out of the room.

I sat on the couch and started flipping through the channels on the TV. I stopped on a news channel when I saw a picture of me, Tomura and Toga running through the mall.

"As you might know, 3 membersof the villian group called "the League of Villians" was seen having a fight in a small cafe downtown. They attacked 2 stundents from UA hero school, both members of class 1-A. Luckily, nobody got hurt. The police have found more leads to this group of villains hideout and a few heros are also working on this case." The news reported said.

I shut off the TV and started to walk to my room until I heard someone yell. "STAY AWAY FROM ME YOU PSYCHOTIC BITCH!!!"

All the sudden Shigaraki came running around the corner, Toga close behind with a small piece of cloth in her hand.

"Come on, it'll be cute on you!" She yelled after him. He ran past me and turned into the bathroom, locking the door behind him.

"What the hell is going on? What the fuck did you do to him?" I asked Toga as she was banging on the door.

"I got him something and he won't wear it! OPEN THIS DOOR OR I'LL MAKE DABI BURN IT DOWN HANDY-MAN!!!" She screamed. God she's scary sometimes...

"Dabi, burn this door down!" She yelled at me. I just gave her the middle finger then continued walking to my room.

                                               ~Time skip~

I heard a knock on my door so I turned off my phone then opened it to find Toga and Shigaraki. Toga shoved Tomura inside my room then slammed the door shut.

"What the hell is up with her?" I said, looking over at Tomura. That's when I saw what he was wearing. He was in a really short black skirt with a white crop top. I felt my face heat up so much I had to check to make sure I didn't set off my quirk.

As soon as he saw me staring he quickly grabbed the blanket off my bed and wrapped it around himself. I let out a small groan, he looked cute! He sat down on my bed and I decided to sit next to him.

"I wanted to t-talk to you... about last night" he said after a while.

"Oh, you remember..." I chuckled lightly. We sat in silence for a bit more.

"What are we?" He asked breaking the silence. I looked over at him and saw that he was staring at the ground, or anywhere that I wasn't.

"I don't know, what do you want to be?" I questioned, still watching him.

"I-I don't know." He replied, finally looking at me. We sat in silence  for a little while longer until he mumbled something inaudible and climbed onto my lap, kissing me passionately. We kissed for what seemed like forever. After some time I pulled the blanket off him and flipped us over, me being on top. I started to bite and kiss at his neck, leaving small hickeys all over and earning small moans from Tomura.

I yanked the crop top off him and moved down, leaving more hickeys on his chest. I felt myself get harder every passing second.

            ~smut warning ( don't judge my shitty smut)~

I pulled my shirt off then went back to kissing him. We kissed heatedly and I rubbed my leg against his crotch, making him moan into the kiss. I yanked his skirt and boxers off while continuing to kiss him.

"You wanna keep going" I lent down, nibbling on his ear. He slowly nodded his head with his eyes closed, enjoying the feeling.
I rubbed his dick with my hand while nibbling his ear, making him moan louder. I pulled away and looked at him.

"Are you sure you're ready?" I questioned. I didn't want to go to far and loose his trust.

"Y-yes..." he replied, looking back at me anxiously.

"I'm not going to lie, it will hurt at first, but the it will feel amazing" I whispered into his ear. I put my fingers in front of his mouth "suck" I ordered. He quickly obeyed, sucking on my fingers. I pulled them out when I was satisfied and positioned his legs on my shoulders. I looked back at him, waiting for permission, when he slowly nodded his head signalling that he was ready. I slowly pushed my finger in. Tomuras breath hitched as I did so, so I let him adjust to the feeling. After he adjusted I added another and let him adjust to that, then I slowly started to moved them. Tomura started moaning louder, which ment he was enjoying it. I added another and heard Tomura let out a small pained groan. I quickly looked up at him to make sure he was okay.

"G-go" he whispered after adjusting to the pain. I started to move again. After what seemed like an eternity I pulled out and took my pants off, letting my erection free. I got into the position to push in the glaced up at him again. He looked ready so I slowly pushed a little in until I heard him let out a small whimper of pain. I leaned up and kissed him, whispering "it'll be fine. You'll feel great after a bit." I pushed in more until he yelped out.

"Almost there..." I whispered. I pushed the rest in and looked up at him. He had a pained expression on his face. I let him adjust, letting take as much time as he needed. I won't lie, it took almost everything I had not to start pounding him.

After some time his face relaxed and he nodded at me. I slowly started to move, speeding up little by little. After a tiny bit he started moaning in pleasure, letting me know he was enjoying it.
I started to speed up my thrusts until I was going as fast as possible. He was a moaning mess.

                                    ~That's enough smut! Sorry!~

After our "fun" we cuddled up and layed on my bed. After a while of just laying there Tomura asked "does... does this mean we are together...?" I thought about it for a while. I had never been in an actual relationship with a male, only a few hook ups.

"Yes, yes it does"

And that's that for chapter 10! Hope you enjoyed!

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