Chapter 19

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My favorite comment in the last chapter was by Daniiexlea, so that will be my shout out for this chapter.

~Handy-man's pov~

"Touya…?" The candy-cane boy asked. I took this as my cue to leave. I may be the leader but there are some things that should be left alone. Plus, I knew Dabi would want some alone time with his brother.

I grabbed the back of Bakugou's chair and dragged him while I walked to the living room. I gave Dabi one last look before heading through the door into the hallway.

"Hey let go! Where the fuck do you think you're taking me?! I said let go!" God, this boy needs to shut up. I swear, if I was ever locked in a room with him he would be dead in 5 minutes. 

When I finally got to the living room, his chair was heavy, I found Twice, Spinner and Compress picking through board-games while Toga was turning on some music. 

"Hey boss, would you rather play Monopoly or Cards Against Humanity?" Spinner asked.

"Monopoly. Cards Against Humanity is too dirty." I replied, sitting in the seat across from them.

"Okay. Are you gonna let the kid play or are you just gonna make him watch?" Toga asked. She had finished turning on some music so she decided to sit down next to me. I sighed and thought about it. We were trying to make him like us…

"Would you like to play Bakugou?" I looked over at him.

"Tch. Monopoly is a kids game. But I guess, nothing better to do in this dump." I rolled my eyes and removed the ropes bounding his arms.

"I want the car! No the top hat!" Twice yelled. I handed him the car. Toga played and was the banker. I ended up with the money bag, Compress had the top hat, Spinner got the ship, Toga had the dog and Bakugou had the shoe. It was quite a civil game, Katsuki had  stopped screaming. That was until Toga bought some of the land he was going for.

In the end, Spinner won because everyone went bankrupt and he had the best land. Bakugou was pissed because he came in second. We just talked and listened to the music after we cleaned up. I tuned everyone out after a bit and laid my head back on the seat. How was I going to get Bakugou to join the league. I needed to know what makes him tick.

I hadn't noticed I'd fallen asleep until I was being shaken awake by Dabi. I yawned and sat up. Everyone had left the room by now. I moved my legs so Dabi could sit down next to me, then rested my head on his shoulder.

"How did things go with the Candy-cane?" I asked, still half asleep. I noticed he tensed up slightly.

"They were alright. He mostly yelled at me, asking why I left them, why I was a villain, that type of stuff." Dabi replied. He tried to act like he always did, but I could hear a hint of hurt or sadness in his voice.

"You know what, let's go do something! Something fun like going out!" I said.

"And how do you plan on not getting caught?" Dabi asked, one eyebrow raised.

"Fuck… I didn't think of that…" I started to lightly scratch my neck. 

"How about we go down to a cafe, something not busy. We could just go in a side booth." Dabi said.

"Like we did with Toga?" I asked.

"Yeah, we could go to the one that is just down the street from that." He finished, getting up and pulling me to our rooms so we could put on our disguises. I made sure to grab my special gloves so i could touch things.

After we got ready we quickly headed out. We walked down the street to the cafe we went to last time and saw that the wall was still damaged and there was caution tape around it. Do those cops ever give up? Like that was a while ago.

We found a decent cafe down the street like Dabi had said. He went to order because he wasn't as known as me. 

I was waiting for him to come back when the worst thing ever happened. UA students started to show up. And not just any UA students, but class 1-A god damn it! Luckily they all sat down at a big table on the other side of the cafe.

Dabi finally came over with our drinks and cookies to take home to the gang. A motioned over to the students and he finally noticed them.

"Do you think we should leave?" I asked him, not taking my eyes off them.

"No, they are clear over there and I'm not letting them ruin our date." He growled, taking one last look at them. I took a sip of my drink but I was still tense. What if they noticed us and tried to attack? They surely wanted Bakugou and Todoroki back, so I don't think they would hesitate.

I felt Dabi grab my hand. He must have noticed how tense I was. This made me relax a bit more.

"Hey, it's fine. We could leave if you want." He said.

"Let's just finish our drinks and get out of here." I sighed. We talked after that, finishing our drinks. I made sure to keep watch on the brats but I also tried to have a fun time. It actually wasn't that bad, they kept their distance.

When we finished we carefully headed to the door, unfortunately it was right next to their table. We were almost completely out when we heard a voice shout behind us.

"Hey wait! You dropped your wallet!" It was a spiky red headed kid with shark like teeth. I think his name was Kirishima? Dabi quickly took his wallet back and thanked the kid, but we didn't get off there.

"Hey, you look familiar. Do I know you?" He asked, looking at me. I just shook my head, trying not to lose my control.

"N-no, I think you have the wrong person. Sorry." I answered. I tugged on Dabi's arm and we quickly got out of there.

And that's all for now, goodbye dear readers.

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